| Late Night Talks |

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It was 2:30am and I listened as Mingi moved for the 10th time in his bed. I sighed quietly and lifted my head to look at him across the room. "Mingi, is something on your mind?" I asked softly and he huffed in frustration before looking at me. "No I just... can't seem to get comfortable, I'm not really tired either. " He replied. I sat up straight and turned on my bedside lamp so I could see him better. "Do you wanna talk until you get sleepy?" I asked as he turned onto his side.

"No, I know you gotta get up early, I don't wanna keep you up." He smiles softly. "I really don't mind, plus it's not like I can sleep either. " I chuckled and he nodded sitting up straight. "So, do you enjoy taking care of people?" He asked looking at me and I nodded smiling. "Yeah, I really love it. I enjoy seeing them smile as they realize that there is someone who cares for them. " I said standing up from my bed.

He nods smiling "Honestly, I think that's very sweet of you. " He said standing up and followed me to the kitchen. "Are you hungry? I was going to make ramen." I said getting a pan and filled it with water. "I could eat." He said sitting at the island. I nodded putting the pan on the stove turning it on before sitting beside him. "You know, I don't think you and I have really talked before. " I said looking at him and he nodded.

"Right. We could ask questions and get to know each other better?" He asked looking at me. "Ok, you first, ask me anything. " I said smiling at him.  He put his index finger to his chin as he thought of something to ask before smiling widely at me. "Favorite member. " He asked looking at me and I chuckled smiling at him.

"I'd have to say...probably Woo, even though he's a pain most of the time. " I replied leaning back in my chair. "Really? Not Hongjoong?" He asked smirking at me. "Well if I say him, I feel like that's cheating, he's my boyfriend. " I laughed and he nodded. "Your turn. " He said propping his elbow on the island to lean on his hand.

"Hmm..hardest dance?" I asked looking at him. "Probably 'The Real' or 'Guerrilla'." He said smiling. "Favorite Korean food?" He asked softly. "Gopchang." I said smiling widely and he smiled widely. "Wait really? That's one of my favorites!" He said happily. "We should get some together, sometime!" He continued and I nodded smiling widely.

"Are you nervous about the comeback?" I asked standing up to put the noodles in the now boiling water. "Yes and no, I'm nervous about if the fans will enjoy it, but I'm not because I know that they will." He said watching me. I nodded before turning to look at him. "That's understandable, but just know that no matter what happens, it'll be okay. " I said reassuring him and he nodded smiling.

"Are you going to go on tour with us?" He asked looking at me and I tilted my head thinking. "Honestly..I don't really know, I've never went with a group on tour. The company always sends someone else to go instead of me, I always end up staying back to take care of someone else. " I said putting the seasoning in the ramen.

"I hope you come, it won't be as fun without you. We've all grown close to you, you're like the mom of the group, no offense to Seonghwa. " He chuckles. "Damn, imagine when you have to leave us..what will happen to you and Joong? Will you break up?" He asked looking at me and I sighed sadly. "I don't know...I hope not, I really love him and you guys, I guess that I never really thought that far ahead. " I said looking down at the ramen.

I heard Mingi sigh as I finished making the ramen and handed him a bowl before sitting beside him, what I didn't realize was that a few tears had fell from my eyes until Mingi used his thumb to wipe them away. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts chuckling a bit while wiping my eyes. "Ha, sorry I didn't mean to get emotional. " I said trying to sound fine but he could tell from my shaky voice that I wasn't.

"I've never gotten emotional while thinking about when I had to leave a group, then again I've never been this attached to one." I said looking at him as he nodded. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders leaning into me and hummed softly. "It's my fault really, I shouldn't have asked that question. " He said looking ahead of him.

"No, it's okay really, I mean, it had to come up at some point. " I said looking at my food and he nodded. Mingi and I had stayed awake for awhile not even realizing what time is was until we saw light from the sunrise shining in through the blinds of the window. We both looked at each other once we realized let out a laugh. "I didn't realize we stayed up that long. " He said smiling at me. "Certainly didn't feel like it, but I guess that's what happens when you're having a good conversation. " I said standing up to take our bowls to the sink.

He smiles standing up to stretch and I smiled watching him and he laughed looking at me. "What?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Nothing, you're just adorable. " I chuckled. "You should get some sleep now. " I said looking at him and he nodded. "What about you?" He asked looking at me with a toothy grin. "I'll be alright, I gotta get up now anyways. " I said looking at the time which read 6:30am. "Well now I feel bad, it's not fair that I get sleep and you don't. " He said putting his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants.

"Don't worry, I'll sleep soon, I just have work to do. " I said shoving him towards our room. He sighed nodding going to our room to sleep and I yawned as I headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

(A/N: sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it! Have a good day/night!♡♡♡)

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