“Damn it, anyway I don’t want to know if you don’t want to come I will....”





“Will what?”

will beg... Peat...naa...naa khaaaa

Is she begged me or yelling at me?



Have you ever sat across from someone you didn’t want to talk to?, Ekhmm...definitely everyone has.


That’s what happened to me, but it’s not that I don’t want to talk to him it’s just that...I’m....still shy....


he also just silently looked at me


You two...have you slept together?”, Nick’s sudden question made me and Fort automatically look at his direction...




“ouchh P’Ana”, he squealed as Ana hit his head with the bag.


“That’s still not enough, if you are still too reckless with your questions, you can be cremated without leaving your place”, said Boss giving a warning.


“I’m just curious, what’s wrong with you two anyway, you don’t talk to each other... I understand if P’Peat doesn’t talk to Fort, but the problem is that Fort doesn’t say anything to P’Peat when he’s usually the one chirping like a parrot, if you don’t fight it means that there is something that makes you not want to talk to each other.”


“I’m fine,” I said.


Actually I'm not okay, really not okay


"Me too..."


Is he okay?

Then why didn't he talk to me?

Why does he have to act like it's my fault? I'm avoiding him but why is he avoiding me too?

Okay...I'm not bothered about him avoiding me, I'm just annoyed that he came today, plus his friend (Nick) is always curious....

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