Chapter 22

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Yan Shuixin thought of the fate of the original owner with the same name as her, and felt a twinge of fear in her heart.

Her body is too thin, and it is not nutritious enough to make flower fertilizer, so let's change to a thriving and prosperous road for herself.

Seeing her in a daze, Xiao Yeheng asked suspiciously, "What are you thinking about?"

Yan Shuixin wrapped her arms around him, and leaned her head softly against his chest, naturally she couldn't tell the truth, "I was thinking, life is precious, you and I get along day and night, I don't know how many days are left..."

At least, right now, he recognizes her as his princess.

She must hang on.

"Don't worry, even if you die, I will accompany you." He raised her chin and stared at her steadily, "You're not lonely, are you?"

She gave full play to her acting talent and looked back at his face, imagining that she was looking at a big lump of shining gold, "My lord, I want to live a good life with you."

Xiao Yeheng's gaze was like a torch, and he, who had seen countless people, naturally understood, her eyes were full of love for himself.

He almost wanted to blurt out and ask her: Do you really like me?

Yan Shuixin seems to be looking at gold, the world loves money, and people always want it, of course she is no exception, her eyes are full of sincere liking.

If she didn't think of him as a treasure, she was afraid that her false affection for him would leak out. After all, King An is an extremely shrewd man.

In order to survive, not to mention pretending to love him, even if she had to sacrifice her chastity, she would do it.

When Xiao Yeheng thought of his own disabilities, he swallowed the words he wanted to ask, and only muffled, "Okay, let's live together."

The two hugged each other for less than a moment, and there was a sound of anxious footsteps rushing from far away towards their cell.

Yan Shuixin stood up, took two steps away from Xiao Yeheng, and stood to one side. The people brought to help Xia Chuxue was going to arrive.

Xiao Yeheng thought, that damn cell boss and jailer Wang Mo who had thoughts on his wife. It's really not good for the other party to see the two of them kissing at present.

It will be convenient to wait until there is a chance to kill them.

Cell leader Sun Cheng walked into Cell 59 with two unknown guards, and shouted angrily, "Xiao Yeheng, you dare to touch Xia Chuxue, don't you know that she is the woman of the cell boss!"

Xia Chuxue also walked in behind, looking at Xiao Yeheng proudly.

That look seemed to say, it was too late to regret now!

Yan Shuixin held a sharpened blade in her hand under her sleeve, ready to cut Sun Cheng's throat if he dared to attack Xiao Yeheng.

She doesn't know if she was overacting, but she obviously didn't love Xiao Yeheng, yet she couldn't bear him to be beaten by the cell boss. She never thought about what her behavior of protecting him in this way represented.

Xiao Yeheng's sharp eyes shot towards the prison head, which was just a small prison head. If he was outside, he would have ordered someone to execute him to death based on his daring to be disrespectful.

Even if he was in prison, with his temperament, he would definitely kill Sun Cheng on the spot.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yan Shuixin's firm expression, as if she would rush out and fight the prison boss for him at any time.

I Married a Disabled Prince in Prison Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα