(STBBF) Wally x Shy F!Reader

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Requester: MintoStar // LOVE, LOVE, LOVEEEED YOUR REQUEST!! I had a ton of fun writing this one out.


(Y/n) had waited for her date eagerly. She waited, and waited. But as it began to rain, she had realized he stood her up. On the verge of tears, she sees Wally out walking. Running over to him, she didn't expect her evening from there on out to just get better and better!


This oneshot is directed towards the female audience, but any may read.

[Y/n's POV]

Im here! Can't wait to see you. ^^

read 3:26pm


I stared at the message, then at the time. 3:58pm... We were supposed to meet at 3:15. Maybe he was just running late?

Sighing, I shut off my phone and set it down on the table. Fidgeting with my skirt nervously, I look to the side. Anxious, I tapped my foot. Just staring out. Waiting...

I didn't get my hopes up.. did I?

I check my phone again, 4:09pm it read. A soft gasp left my lips as I felt a drop of water on my nose. Looking up, I hadn't noticed how dark the sky became. First another drop, then five, then, rain. It was raining hard. Gloomy. And I.. got stood up.

Hurriedly, I took shelter from the pouring rain by under the café. I stood there, just, there. I felt miserable. My eyes felt hot, and I felt tears slip down my face. Crouching down, holding my purse and head, I cried. Cried like a fool. Of course I got stood up.

"(N/n)..?" I heard a soft voice, and looked up. My eyes met with Wally. He was slightly towering me, holding a red, apple themed umbrella. Not being able to speak, I ran to him, and engulfed him in a tight hug. I weeped, burying my face into his chest. He was silent, but gently rubbed my back. "Shh.. there, there now... Its okay.. I've got you..."

I pull back, sniffling. "I- hic I'm sorry.. I-" He shushed me, moving a stray hair back behind my ear. "Its.. okay. I got the gist of it." He wiped my tears, holding my hands with his free one. "Come, let me cheer you up." He held his hand out to me, and I took it. It was warm. Hooking my arm around his, we silently walked through the rain. My face felt hot, maybe I was just embarrassed? Yeah! That had to be it.. "You alright?" He spoke. I looked up towards him, a small smile on my face. "Not.. the best. sniff  But, I know.. my mood will improve! It always does when.." I look down, whispering, "When I'm by your side."

[Wally's POV]

"When I'm by your side." She whispers. I felt warm, my heart was racing.

Well. Golly... Beads of sweat slip down my forehead, even though it was cold outside from the rain. You could see your breath, and yet, there I was. Boiling. Gosh, does she even know how in love I am with her?

No. Of course not.. haha... As if she'd like me. Oh! But a puppet can surely hope and dream. That stupid date of hers.. who would abandon such a beauty!? She's so.. sweet, and, kind.. wonderful and pretty... just, perfect.

"Tsk, the nerve of that son oF A-"

"Wally, we've arrived.."


"Oh- right! Ha.. ha.. sorry, (N/n)." Crap! I almost slipped up. Home opened it's door, and let us in. I grip the umbrella as I set it down. This, is my chance.

"Ahem.." I turn to her, and bow, grabbing her delicate, soft hand, and placing a kiss upon it. "Perhaps.. the beautiful lady, would care to dance with me?" Her cheeks flushed a warm rose, and the corners of her mouth tilted up. She giggled, and I felt my heart flutter. "I'm afraid, I don't know how to slow dance, monsieur."

I smirk, and twirl her around as she laughs. "Is that so, mademoiselle? Then," I dip her down, and whisper into her ear. "Let me teach you." I pull back, and take a step back. Her face is bright red, and her eyes are wide. I smile, walking over to the record player, and putting in a disc. The music plays, and I hold my hand out to her. "Well?" I tease. She smiles, and takes my hand in hers.

[Y/n's POV]

I smile, and take his hand. What'd I even see in that guy? I have W-.. no, no! We're just dancing as fr- (No, you may not pull an Adrien.)

My thoughts were interrupted as Wally spun me. I squealed, and giggled, being careful not to step on his feet. He placed his hand upon my waist, and the other held my hand. My heart was pounding. Did I...?

"Oup!-" He stepped back, and I stepped forward. I heard him chuckle. "Just follow my lead." We danced slowly together, in sync as the music played. He kept his gaze on me.. I felt, nervous. "That's right, just like that. You're doing wonderfully!" He praised.

I laugh, smiling widely. "Thank you.." We danced on, and on, laughing, and smiling. The whole house felt so warm, and lively. As the song came to an end, he twirled me around one last time, before resting both of his hands on my hips. We swayed left and right, forehead to forehead, his hands on my hips, mine a top of his shoulders.

Our lips were so close..

"...Hey, (Y/n)." He spoke, breaking the silence. I looked up at him, his eyes already on me. "Yeah?" I respond, praying he couldn't hear my heart basically beating out of my chest.

"You know.. you deserve the whole world. Whatever you desire.. you deserve it all." I perk at his words as we stop. "I.." He pauses, taking a breath. He looks into my eyes. "I like you. No, actually, I love you. I love you so much, I always have!" He declared.

"Wally..." I say breathless. "I-" He cuts me off, holding both my hands in his now. "I.. I promise, if.. if you gave me a chance.. to be yours. Your, boyfriend. I could do so much better than that... that!.. Scoundrel!" My heart skips a beat, and my face feels hot. I see his jaw clench. "I swear, to you, that I will be the best goddamn boyfriend to you. Maybe more. I-" I hold his face, and bring my lips to his.

He hesitates for a moment, but kisses me back. Not a long kiss, but a sweet one. I pull back, and look into his eyes, smiling. "I love you too, dork." He chuckles, and wraps me into another gentle kiss.

The sky may have been gloomy that day, but that day, was the happiest I had ever been.


Word Count: 1,052

IUWHGVUNEGISNE, I LOVE THIS ONE! Longest one I think. Also enjoy this Saturday post, losers. I start school soon. 🫡

I update every Wednesday/Friday! Or, try to...

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story. :)

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