Wally x ShyGN!Reader

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Requester: N/A || "A Gift"


You've never exactly been close to any of the neighbors on the street, but Wally decides that should change.

[Y/N's POV]

I sighed, my legs outstretched over my sofa. My clock ticking in the background. I needed to buy food from Howdy, but I couldn't urge myself to go. The thought of slipping up in front of my neighbors is just... ugh, embarrassing... "What'll I do if they don't like me anymore? What if they wanna mob m-"

knock. knock. knock.

I froze, my words stopping as-well. I listened quietly. "Hello? Neighbor?" Wally. I quickly looked at my lazy attire, and quite messy living room. Panic filled me as I stumbled over myself to try and at-least hide the mess by shoving a few things to the side. "Coming, uhm!- ow!.. One moment!" I shouted, silently scolding myself for tripping over one of the boxes. I quickly opened the door (sweatier than I had wished.), and panting heavily mustered out a simple: "..Hi."


[Wally's POV]

"Hello? Neighbor?" I called out. Currently, I was standing in front of one of my good neighbors, (y/n). I've never exactly hung out with them, but I do know how lovely they are when they water those..

I stared at the blooming tulips on their doorstep. Unfortunate flowers who got all their attention. Before I opened my mouth to call out to them again, as-well as raising my hand to knock, I was interrupted by their voice. "Coming, uhm!- ow!.. One moment!" I paused, chuckling to myself quietly. Their gift, awaiting in my hands. After about a minute or so, I heard sounds of the door unlocking. My eyes widened just a but to see a rather tired (y/n) in-front of me, panting heavily. "..Hi."

I smiled at them. "Hello, neighbor. If its too much to ask, may I speak with you inside?" I saw their face change a little. When they spoke, it was.. higher pitched? [THIS HAPPENS TO ME. WHEN I GET NERVOUS/ANXIOUS MY VOICE GETS SQUEAKIER.]

"uHm, Yeah, sure!.." they squeaked out rather adorably. "Aha!.. This way.." As they stepped out and started walking towards their home, I followed in, closing the door behind me.

[Y/N's POV]

As I led Wally to my kitchen, I was yelling at myself through my head for sounding so weird. I mentally sighed, wanting him to leave but yet... wanting him to stay.

"Here, uhm." I pulled out a chair for him, and heard his quiet chuckle. After I sat down myself, I instantly started to fidget with my fingertips. The silence was unbearable... didn't he want to go inside??! "Sooo..." I quietly said, "Am I.. like, in trouble or anything?" My eyes slowly rose to his eyes, his stare a bit eerie.. He laughed a bit, before moving his hand up and down.

"Oh, no, neighbor! Its nothing like that." He smiled at me, I felt my cheeks heat up. Wait. What? Wally then set the box down in which I didn't realize he was holding down onto the table, and slid it to me.

"Rather, I just had a gift to give you. Oh, I do apologize if the bow is a bit..." he stared at what I noticed to be a poofy, big, pink ribbon around the yellow box. "Extravagant. Julie was helping me, she's a dear, means no harm really!"

"A-ah! I uhm, see.." I just stared at the box. About 5 minutes went by of me getting more nervous by the second, and Wally staring at me.

"Well, darlin', open up your gift." He chimed, but his voice was... different when he said "darling"... I looked up at him once more, seeing a loving glint in his eye, and mischief. I then looked back at the 'extravagant' gift, as Wally described it, and slowly unwrapped the bow. Then the paper, and then opened the box. My breath hitched, and my eyes watered. He painted me. Simply watering flowers but.. I have never looked so, enchanting.

"W-wally!- I.. what..." my words were jumbled. I was simply speechless. I've never once received such a heartfelt gift. My heart was bursting with joy, whilst my brain was trying to process. I held the painting in my hands, admiring it, admiring me. Wally laughed, and suddenly brought my eyes to meet his by guiding my chin with his hand. My stomach did a summersault. I halted for a moment, actually analyzing his face. Wow. He, is... beautiful. I was simply in a trance of awe at him until he spoke up again, and what I heard, made me flush with joy. I felt so ecstatic.

"I simply wanted to make a beautiful gift... for a beautiful neighbor." He cooed at me, my face flushed. Suddenly, I got up. This surprised Wally a bit. Walked around the table and, hugged him. He went limp as if not knowing what to do.* "Thank you, Wally..." I stepped back, a soft smile on my face. He quickly recovered and returned my smile, patting my head.

"Of course, darlin'. Anytime."


Word Count: 825

Sorry if it was short!! But there you go. And yes: *Canon Wally Fun-Fact! Wally doesn't know what to do when he gets hugged, so he simply just goes limp. I found this to be funny and decided to include it into the story lol. Remember to request! They're open right now.

I update every Wednesday/Friday.

Edit: I do apologize if I make any grammatical errors, English is unfortunately hard.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story. :)

˚ʚ♡ɞ˚Wally Darling Oneshots ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora