Fighting against the current

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"Stop," Porsche said slowly, and Kinn wrapped his arms around him.

With each passing moment, his breaths become more even as they stand in the bathroom.

"It's okay. Everything is going to be okay," Kinn said in a gentle voice as he rubbed his back. Porsche's eyes slowly droop shut, and he falls into a deep, peaceful slumber.

Kinn carefully carried him, making sure to not cause any discomfort, and placed him back onto the soft mattress.

"Hurt," Porsche muttered, his voice barely above a whisper as he held Kinn's hand tightly.

Running his fingers through Porsche's messy hair, Kinn leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.

"Tell me, what's hurting?" Kinn asked as he stroked his cheek. It's painful for him to witness Porsche in such a condition. He tried to get to the bottom of what was going on with him, but it remained a mystery. When he asked his grandfather why Porsche had nightmares, his grandfather told him that the passing of his father may have played a role as he had the same when his mother died. Edward's response to the question raised more suspicions for Kinn, who believed there was something being concealed. He notices that Edward is holding something in, even though he appeared to have something to say.

"Head," Porsche whispered, holding Kinn's hands tightly. Kinn reached for the nightstand drawer with his other hand to grab painkillers. He attempted to get up because there was no water by the bedside, but Porsche held him even more tightly, not allowing him to leave. "I'll be back. I'm going to get water, okay," He kissed his hand before heading to the kitchen.

"I killed her," Porsche muttered in his sleep as Kinn left. "Killed her!"


Porsche was working in his office, but his mind was troubled by his uncle's return and Kinn's strange behavior in the morning.

Early in the morning, he spotted Kinn by the garden on the phone. He seemed to be having a serious conversation and giving orders.

Lately, Kinn looked anxious and too careful around him, which makes him even more worried. He also seems to have something to say but is holding back.

"No way," Porsche muttered to himself, shaking his head. He's making an effort to believe that Kinn has no association with his uncle. "I'm just overthinking. Stop, Porsche,"

Then again, when he went to Kinn's office at around 11 am today, he found out Kinn wasn't there. It was odd because he was supposed to be attending a meeting, and the secretary's odd answer made him even more suspicious.

He paused while reaching for his phone to make a call. He rotated the gun in his hand, then dialed the number and let out a breath.

"Phoenix!" the man answering the call greets happily. "If you call me...should I be worried?"

"I need a favor," Porsche said without beating around the bush. He looked down at the gun in his hand, his face a blank slate.

"Anything for you,"

"I need information on a prisoner who was at the Venezuela Nation Prison. I need to know the exact date of his release and the contact log information for the past year or two," Porsche explained. He is going to get to the bottom of who released his uncle. It was clear that someone was responsible for it. He's got a feeling, but he needs to double-check before he decides.

There was silence for a few seconds on the other end of the phone.

"Hmmmm......I'm not really plugged in to that area. That prison is a real tough nut to crack, but anything for Phoenix. So, who's the target?"

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