25 | Peter Pettigrew

Start from the beginning

With the book appearing in my room at the beginning of the year and it being the only one that has its pages turned without me knowing, the person that keeps entering my dorm and the person that left the book there are probably the same.

It's someone that has access to the Ravenclaw dorms, so it's someone smart enough to answer the riddles.

The pages turned to are always in relation to what's going on in the school, so it's someone that's aware.

But the pages turned to are also in relation to personal things, like with Professor Lupin.

Somehow, they know when no one is in the room - but no one is notably missing often from classes, are they?

I groaned, rubbing my eyes. There was nothing coming to mind. As far as I was concerned, no one knew about the book that magically appeared in my room.

Crookshanks landed himself on my notebook and curled up while the dog lied on his stomach beside me with his head rested over his crossed paws.

I pulled out the mysterious book from my bag and the dog perked up.

"Was it him?" I asked, opening the book to the Gryffindor students that started with P and pointed at the photo of James Potter.

He looked remarkably like Harry, except for his eyes, which weren't the brilliant green that Harry's were.

The dog looked largely irritated - how, I'm not sure, I could just tell.

"Well, sorry I don't speak dog, but that's all the important people I could fi-" I stopped when I turned back to the page. "Was it... him?" My finger dragged along the page and stopped on another name: Peter Pettigrew.

The dog definitely nodded, and I refuse to take any allegations of insanity.

I had read the name once before on the Marauder's Map. I didn't think much of it, but now I was wondering: who was Peter Pettigrew?


I went to search for Professor Lupin in hopes of figuring out who Peter Pettigrew was, as they were in the same year, but I was stopped by the sound of sobbing. A grown man sobbing.

Following the sound, I found Hagrid seated on the steps of his hut.

"Hagrid, what's the matter?"

He looked up from his hands and began sobbing louder.

I sat beside him and he pulled me in a rib-cracking hug. "It's Buckbeak, Y/N! They're gonna chop off his head!"


"He's getting a hearing - they'll put him on trial!"

"Then we still have a chance! We can gather evidence to show them that Buckbeak's innocent!"

But Hagrid was inconsolable. I sat with him for what felt like hours but his cries didn't die down.

I returned to the castle for dinner, completely forgetting to ask Professor Lupin about Peter Pettigrew.

"I get you like reading, Y/N, but..." Roger's eyes, along with everyone else's, were glued on the pile of books that took up my eating space instead of food. "Isn't this a bit much?"

"Not at all." I shut another book on hippogriffs and put it to the side.

Padma moved aside a pile as if it were a screen door. "What's with all the books on hippogriffs? Don't you have three?"

"Yeah, you're the expert," Michael mentioned with a mouth full of chicken.

"Gross, and this isn't information on hippogriffs. I'm looking for information on hippogriffs that had acted out."

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