Chapter 16: "It's complicated"

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Elizabeth POV


It had been a couple of days since I arrived in Texas for filming and although I was now focused on playing my character at my best, I had one fixed thought, which was my kiss with Alex. Although at the time I felt it was the right thing to do; I was very confused about my feelings and now I was even more confused: the fact that he hadn't reciprocated or even written to me led me to think that perhaps I had misunderstood the situation and for the umpteenth time I liked a person who didn't reciprocate me.

A thousand times I had found myself on his contact, undecided whether to write to him or not, or sometimes I found myself just checking the notifications hoping that he had written to me, but Nope. Zero. Nada. Nothing. No notifications.

-Are you still with that phone, Lizzie? Soon we need to film some scenes!-
"Krysten...I didn't hear you knocking..."
-...the door was open...Is everything ok?-
"...let's say yes..."
-Heart problems...?- Supposed the raven-haired girl sitting next to me on the sofa of my caravan.
"'s complicated..."
-It always is darling...come on tell me about he fine at least?-
"...he's nice...he's kind, he's disinterested, he does it with the heart..."
-you have a crush Lizzie dear...-
-again...and why so darling?-
"... Because... we kissed and he didn't reciprocate ok?"
-He didn't reciprocate you?!-
-But...Is he crazy?! Why? How?! I mean you are a beautiful girl, with a golden heart... is he already engaged? That's why???-
"...not that I know...he's just very busy with work...he's a doctor..."
-Lizzie Olsen! A doctor? That's new! I didn't expect that...-
"...twist at the plot..." I smiled bitterly sighing inevitably
-...So you kissed a doctor and he didn't reciprocate you...did the two of you at least go out? Did he give you a reason to believe that he might be interested?-

Inevitably I thought back to our moments and our encounters. Had I perhaps misinterpreted his gestures? Had he done it only with kindness?

" I'm not sure of anything anymore..."
-c'mon...- she said getting on her knees looking me in the eyes
-...honey, if you don't tell me more about it, I don't know how much I can help you...-
"...I had a panic attack...
Not knowing me, he helped me as a doctor...
We were at a convention and he was there for his sister as she is a big fan of mine..."
-... And he doesn't know you as an actress... this guy really lives under a cave-
"... Krysten, he's always at work... I can understand and indeed, it's better this way...
Anyway... he even lent me his shoes because I had heels on and they weren't sure for me to walk with after the panic attack..."
"Right? And then I met him at the meet & greet and even my WandaVision co-stars insisted on thanking them better, so we found ourselves at dinner together..."

I began to tell her every detail of our meeting, reaching finally our kiss.

-This is way better than telenovelas! Only the popcorn is missing...-

I just shook my head in amusement and then listened to her words again

-Lizzie...I don't my opinion it's better if you move on...
Don't think about it now okay? Concentrate on the series and your have a significant role...-
"Yeah? Are you saying I should leave this whole thing alone and pretend it never happened?"
-Obviously it's a decision that only you can make, but maybe yes... maybe it's better to move on...-

I didn't have time to answer that they came to call us to shoot a scene.

"...let's go..."
-let's go...-

Alex POV


Four days had passed since the kiss and I still felt decidedly conflicted about the whole situation.
I hadn't told anyone anything, but my friends in the hospital suspected something had happened to me as I focused even more on work.

-...I understand that you are very devoted to your work Alex, but really, stop-
I can't afford it..." I whispered the last sentence to myself considering that in reality I didn't really want to think about all that situation. I didn't want to think about it, or rather I was afraid of being eaten by resentment towards my own behavior. I felt that I heavily regretted not having reciprocated...but now it was too late, wasn't it?

-But why not? Just go out with me and Claire tonight. Let's go to Sammy's. It's decided-
"Do I have a choice?"

I rolled my eyes at his words and stopped in the hallway.

-We're worried ok?- Dr. Jackson said, barely squeezing my arm with his hand.
"You don't have to. I am fine..." know you can always talk with us...
Having trouble at home with Elise? Is it because of the whole Lucy's story?-

At those words I gently freed myself from his grip and looked into his eyes.

"'s not that, really...
It's complicated..."
-Like always...
Now I have to go...but let's talk about it ok? We are your friends Alex. You can trust us...-
"...thanks Will. I know...
I think I just need time...that's all...
See you the lives of someone!"

After saying goodbye, I quickly picked up my cell phone and started looking for Elizabeth's contact. I had to text her. We had to talk about the kiss and I had to take the first step this time. I owed it to her after the courage she had shown in following her instincts by kissing me.

I wrote:

Hi Elizabeth,

I know I'm probably the last one you want to get a message from right now, but I think it's better to talk about it. I think it's only fair that you have some answers and that's why I'd like to at least give you a call since it's not possible for me personally to be in Texas right now...

I was continuing to write when someone ran into me hitting my shoulder, so I dropped my phone. I didn't have the time to pick it up that they passed with a stretcher crushing my cell phone with their feet, breaking it.


Inevitably I said getting on my knees to pick what was left of my phone up. Not very much.
I picked it up and in that instant all the saints began to enter my mind, ready to be named.

"...tell me that the sim is still intact please..." I commented as soon as I stood up and meticulously checked the situation of the mobile phone. The screen was totally cracked, broken and if it was on before, well now it was definitely off. I tried to turn it on again, but obviously it didn't work.
I checked the back and although it didn't suffer too much damage, my hopes began to plummet.
I then turned my eyes somewhere else and there I saw him, with an almost smug smile: Whitman.

"You..." I whispered and then stood up abruptly putting my cell phone inside my gown.

Claire appeared in the corridor and luckily stopped me abruptly.

-Alex. No. Don't risk your place...-
"Claire HE broke my phone on purpose! He came on me!"
-Take it easy tiger...-
"No. Not this time. He ruined everything. As always..."

I said shaking my head hearing my pager ringing, signaling my need elsewhere.

But my mind was decidedly elsewhere: I was blinded by anger, but even more by concern: how was I going to contact Elizabeth? If I had changed my Sim I would no longer have her number unless she texted me... but above all... she had no social media.
I was screwed to say the least

The Writer's corner

Finally I updated!
Obviously Whitman had to ruin everything...Is Alex going to find again Elizabeth's number?
How about Elizabeth? Will she really turn page?
Keep reading to find out!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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