Chapter 10: "Maybe I should go..."

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Alex POV

Once we finished the coffee we said goodbye and because of work, I went back to the hospital. Without even doing it on purpose, the first patient waiting for me was Elizabeth's mother.

"Mrs. Olsen..."
"How many times do I have to ask you to call me Jarnette or Jarnie...Mrs. Olsen makes me feel old...and please don't say I am!"

💭I think it's a family thing after all...Elizabeth keeps correcting me asking me to call her Lizzie...and instead, I keep calling her Elizabeth...funny, isn't it?

"Jarnette, then...and no, I would never say that!"
"You are a terrible liar..."
"If you say so...anyway, how do you feel?Better? The exams have improved, which is a very good thing!"
"I'm better, the food isn't the best as you already told me, but I'm holding on... and I'll try to follow your advices Doctor..."
"You are a good patient! I don't want to see you here for a while Jarnette..."
"I'm sure you'll miss me too much though!"
"Well that's for sure! You're one of my favorite patients, but this is better if we keep it between us..."
"What an honor! Haha
...Doctor...may I ask you something as my doctor?"
"Sure, tell me..."
"My daughter Elizabeth is very worried about my health conditions, so much that she wants to give up a TV series since she will be filming it for months and months in Texas..."
"Well, after all, the mother is always the mother, it is normal that she is worried about you..."
"And I understand it very well, but she doesn't even have to give up her career because of it, especially since I'm fine, you said it yourself just now..."
"You're on the mend, yes, and as I told you, I'm sure that in a few months you'll be as good as new, but only if you follow the diet that I prescribe when I'll resign you...
You have to drink a lot of water, at least 1 liter and half a day, and walk often. Don't worry about the antibiotic, we'll manage to give it to you while you're here, so that you won't have ti take it while home..."
"You must tell Elizabeth, I have faith on you and that i'm feeling way better than before..."
"I'll try to talk to her then, so as to reassure her about your condition, okay?"
"Thank you, doctor, really..."
"Don't worry about that..."

I went out from Mrs. Olsen's single room and that request began to easily make its way into my mind:
although I would have missed not seeing her again in the city, I was certain of one thing: she didn't have to sacrifice herself in this way.


During my lunch break I got to talking to Claire and William, who were trying to get more information about Mrs. Olsen's case, and of course about Elizabeth.

"Please Alex, you can't not tell us anything!
At least please, how is Elizabeth? Is she as humble as they say?"
"Yes, she is... she doesn't want to be treated differently just because she's a successful actress... she wants normality and peace of mind, or at least that's what I perceive..."
"Do you perceive huh?"

In that moment Whitman approached our table...

"...I, on the other hand, perceive that sooner or later you will scr*w up and then you will no longer be Ross's favourite..."
"Think what you want Whitman, but now if you'll excuse me, I have something better than listening to you, like working...
Sorry guys, duty calls..."

William and Claire said nothing to me fully understanding my desire to get away from that guy. I didn't know why he was so angry at me, of course we were both specializing in gastroenterology, but why did he have to fight me every time for any cases? All that should have mattered was the well-being of the patient and not everything else...

Passing the corridors towards my department, I saw a way too familiar figure.
The actress was in front of the pediatric oncology door where she observed the children even if she seemed lost in her thoughts.

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