Chapter 7: "WandaVision Ep.1"

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Alex POV

The 12-hour shift had finally come to an end and I definitely couldn't complain about my work, even if yes, that was up to the patients...
I had assisted not only patients with problems related to the abdomen-Intestine; on the contrary, I had given myself to helping anyone in my power and if this went beyond my specialization or skills, I requested the help of Claire or William while between one suture and the other, they were trying to get more information about me and Elizabeth.
How could they even think that there could be anything between the successful actress and I? A gastroenterology resident who is currently helping her mother, so yes, let's not talk bulls**t...

Saying goodbye to William who had another 12 hour shift waiting for him, I said goodbye to everyone but before putting down my white coat, I went to see Jarnette one last time: after all I had been told to treat her with special care.

"Mrs. Olsen..." I smiled knocking on the door, noticing the presence of her son who was trying to rest on one of those uncomfortable blue chairs.

"No no, take it easy... I just wanted to ask how you were doing and if you had had any benefits in the meantime, even if I know it's very early, but asking doesn't cost anything, right?"  I said cordially

"You're kind...
But yes, as you also said, it's a bit early to tell one thing or the other... but one thing is certain, I'm better than before..."
"That's Great! That means that the antibiotic is probably starting to work! And the food I know won't be the best, but at least it will get you better, and that's all that matters...especially now..."
"I guess you're right doctor..."
"Don't worry, and for anything let me call... just ask to Molly, the blonde nurse who took your blood a few hours ago..."
"The mosquito in white coat..."
"Yes ahaha that's her... do you know that I call her that too? Luckily Molly isn't offended!"
"Is Molly your girlfriend?"
"Oh no, you're definitely off-road... she's just my colleague and friend!"
"Just asking!"
"That's good I guess...anyways I have to go now! See you soon Mrs. Olsen..."
"Call me Jarnette..."
"Only if you call me Alex then..."
"Alex then...
Enjoy your relax!"
"Thank you! Haha don't enjoy your staying too much without me huh!"
"I doubt it!" Jokingly the woman said then giving me a last goodbye.
Somehow I could see Elizabeth in her, perhaps in her mannerisms, or in her preference to be called with her name or nickname instead of her last name.

My thoughts were then interrupted by Molly, to whom I instructed to keep me updated on the lady's condition.

"Keep me updated okay?  And for anything, call me without problems..."
"Okay...but also take care and have some resting, huh? I know you Alex..."
"I'll try my best...maybe..." I smiled giving her an amused wink before finally getting rid of the white coat and going home.

Without energies left as I was, I didn't even say hello to Elise and threw myself headfirst onto the sofa.

"Are you alive?" She asked amused observing that awful show.
I mumbled something but without answering properly, so Elise decided to use another way.

"Ok, I can finally get your car..."
"Wha-No..." I said finally sitting up.
"Here he is back from the afterlife!"
"Eh...i'm alive and my car is off limits! And you know it..."
"One day you'll let me drive it and you know it too... after all, I've had my driving license for a few years...
Anyway... how was It at work?"

Talking about the car I just rolled my eyes bored in response but as soon as she brought up work as a topic, I shortly began to tell her about the day and some amusing details, without ever going into too many details since it was a matter of secrecy, but also of privacy, especially towards the Olsens.

"'s a big case and I'm really glad that Ross trusted me enough to give me the case...
but yes, I'm sure that if she follows my treatments she'll get better and that bad inflammation will go away..."
"I hope so for the lady... it's not the same thing but I partly understand it with my tummy problems...
Anyway lazy one, move over!"
"Just do it..."

I moved reluctantly but doing so i took a blanket and wrapped myself in it with relief, at least until I saw her enter Disney + and type -WandaVision-.

💭 Are you serious Elise?  Do you really want to show me a TV series with Elizabeth?  Now?!  If you only knew...but more importantly, why do I have nothing against seeing her on screen?

"Come on!  Don't you want to see it after meeting the actors?"
"I really would like to rest..."
"Ok then...but I'm gonna rewatch the first episode..."

I shook my head amused making myself comfortable so I could sleep but in the end I didn't follow what my mind advised me to do -sleep-. No, I just pretended and in the end I watched the whole episode One driven totally by curiosity: I wanted to understand the series more, but above all I wanted to understand Elizabeth better and how good she was at acting. And yes, she could definitely act...

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Writer's Corner

Hello dear readers! Here a present for your immense patience!
Thank you all for your support! I love reading your comments and seeing how much you like this story!
See u in the next chapter ❤️

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