Chapter 1: "The Meeting"

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Alex POV

"... So Wanda at that point realize that behind everything, at least in part, there was Agnes, known as Agatha Harkness, a super powerful sorceress attracted by the powers and potential of Wanda / Scarlett Witch! Ah, and then there's that fantastic song... It's been Agatha All Along!"
"The one you put in the cab before, right?" I asked curiously as I settled better in line with my sister.

"That's right Lex! And that shouldn't be new to you! But now please don't get lost in a glass of water that we have little time! After all, I'm summing it all up for you since almost you don't even know who Wanda is... really amazing bro, soo listen to me...don't we want to see you run away from a bunch of angry fans, right?"
"Right Ely..."
"Good job big brother. Now, let's continue with the explanation and try to fill your serious gaps..."

Elise had been telling me for months how much I needed to watch "WandaVision", and no matter how hard I tried to do it, every time it seemed like it was not meant to be: either they called me for rehearsals with the band, or I had to study, or I had to work, or I fell asleep with the screen of Disney plus still on...I know quite shameful, but now it was quite late: we were in San Diego for a special panel and meet & greet with the cast of the TV series.

Knowing that our birthdays were approaching, I decided to do something special for my little sister's 20 years: Searching and getting some informations through acquaintances, I was able to get two tickets for the meet & greet of her favorite TV series. I hid them until her birthday, which is July 19th, and when I took them out and presented them to her in an envelope, I still remember her enthusiastic expression, as if it was the most beautiful, special and important thing she had ever seen in all of her 20 years of life.

My sister had really seen all kinds, and if only she had wanted, she would have been able to write a book called "my first twenty years", and I assure you that she would have written a tome between her suffering, the experience with cancer, its change of view and people's indifference to people's problems. She was really wise and I was really lucky to have her in my life: she was my rock, as I was her point of reference. Our parents, because of their work, were quite busy or did not realize that Elise needed help, so I became the figure she needed: a friend, a brother, a confidant, a companion in adventures. Also for this reason I decided to enroll in Medicine, and for greater forces, or thanks to my sister, I decided to apply for a specialization in gastroenterology. I was hoping to be able to help her.

"...Wait. But then, theoretically, Vision is still alive because the other Vision has reopened his memories ... "
"Then there is still hope ..."
"That's what we all say, even if the fandom is a bit torn, not loving Vision very much ..."
"But poor Vis! What did he do to you?"
"Nothing, just in the movies he was a little bit mr perfect, but I admit I re-evaluated him in the TV series. He is more likeable, but I think thanks to Wanda herself since she was the one who brought him "back to life" if we can say so ... " she said making a sign with her fingers.

"You know, I think the same! If you think about it, it was all a construct of Wanda!" The girl in front of us turned and added to our speech.

"That's true, isn't it?! And if you think about it, she created her twins herself! Oh my God, how weird!" Elise shook her head holding back an expression of pure shock and then introduced herself to the girl and continued talking.

"Girls, I don't want to bother you, but I think I'll go find a bathroom. You go on and enjoy! Ely, if you need me, give me a call!"
"Ok! Hope you know where to go! It's a labyrinth "
"I'll find out!" I said simply shrugging her shoulders and then waving my hand at them and heading in the opposite direction of the line.
I started walking on that side in search of someone from the staff or any signals, but obviously there was nothing else besides the vast corridor.
After a good 5 minutes I saw a metal door in the distance and I saw the writing "bathroom": Bingo!

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