Chapter 4: "Positive Note"

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Alex POV

Silently we both started walking through the empty dark road.

"Elizabeth ..."
"Call me Lizzie..."
"Lizzie... thank you. For everything, but especially for what you did today for my sister. You made her day, making her happy and... it hadn't happened for a long time now... "
"Elise is truly a special girl. She is spontaneous, sincere, nice, loyal ... a real person, with a heart of gold... but above all she is a true fighter. She fought an unfair battle, but she came out as a winner and if any of us are the superhero, well that's her. I admire her a lot and her words really touched me ... " she said sincerely looking straight ahead.

"Of course. Elise is a real rock. You know, when she heard about the disease she didn't hold back, in fact, she pulled her nails out and didn't lose her mind. And she has remained with her feet on the ground and I believe she is not yet fully aware of what she has done..."
"I think It's quite normal... over time I am sure that, however, looking back, she will see everything she did and fought, what forged her to be the person she is and will be tomorrow. The thing that is especially to be admired is how she managed everything, not losing control and her mind. I would like to learn from her... " She said, sighing at the last part.

At those last words I decided to stop, which consequently the actress did after a while.

"I know I'm probably the last person to tear down your inner walls, but I'm here to try even the slightest to help you if you ever want to. I'm here for you, Elizabeth Olsen " I said firmly, looking into her eyes.

The dark-haired girl looked me into my eyes, struggling. She probably didn't trust me entirely yet, and well, I got that: I was a stranger.

"Sorry, I don't want to pressure you ..." I said just smiling noticing the silence making me walking again, until her hand reached my forearm asking for attention.

"... Alex, stop. You don't pressure me, I just don't want to talk about it right now... I want to end the evening on a positive note and not remember for example my today's panic attack. I want to feel normal for once... " At those words I did as requested and listened to her, understanding everything.

"Don't worry, but if you ever want to, you can count on me. I'm a good listener and Elise can assure you that" I said sincerely and then motioned her to go back to the car and my house.

"I'll take you into consideration"
"I'm flattered" I said simply walking back with her.


Going back, we changed the subject and Elizabeth finally brought up music.

"The Middle ..."
"You wrote it for Elise, right?"
"Exactly. I love writing songs, especially those that have a message, like in the case of "The Middle", that of not getting down on yourself and going on knowing that everything will be fine ...
You know, anyone can write, but writing with the heart is really completely on another level... "
"You're right. I think it's a little bit for all things, like in acting or even simply in a friendship. You can immediately see if you do it with body and soul or not, or in any case sooner or later you understand it, especially in terms of friendships. Sooner or later they will make a false step and then you will understand that they weren't really friends ... "
"True, but doing so is as if you are always expecting a false step from the other person. Don't you find it ugly? We should learn to trust others more, but I understand very well where it comes from. Your world is definitely more complicated than mine ... you never know if someone approaches you to really be your friend or not, and they do it only to exploit you ... "
"You hit the spot, but your world is complicated too. Everything is complicated, life is. Unfortunately it comes naturally to raise the barriers today... " she said with a sigh.
"... In order not to be hurt tomorrow, but by doing so we forget that we must also live, and not just survive" I said, remembering, however, that she wanted to end the evening on a positive note.

Elizabeth was silent for a few moments, as if reflecting on my words and then pausing, which made me worry for a moment as I feared I had gone too far with my words.

"You're right... life isn't just about surviving. Sometimes you have to take risks, that's why I want to trust you Alex... "
"Are you sure?"
"Yup. I want to trust you and make you participate in my complicated world "

At those words my heart started beating faster. Did my sister's favorite actress really want to include me in her world? Why? After all, I was a simple nobody with a passion for music and for helping others.


After exchanging a few more words we arrived at our destination and Elizabeth greeted me with a hug, after carefully checking that no one was nearby.

"Give me your phone, so I'll save you in the contacts. You can do the same... " she said handing me her cell phone, which I did immediately afterwards.

I opened the contacts and simply added myself with "Alex Walker" with an emoji of a shoe 👞 symbolising our peculiar meeting. Once finished, we gave each other our cell phones and said goodbye one last time before Lizzie drove off with the car.

Curiously, I scrolled through my contacts and found "Lizzie Olsen" with an emoji of a world 🌎 , which made me smile as it was a link to what I had said earlier about the complicated world.

Anyways this was the confirmation: I had Elizabeth Olsen's number, but especially she had decided to trust me, Alex Walker. Just a little pressure.

Writer's Corner

Here we go again! I know this is shorter, but i think that it didn't need additional words.
Late chatting plus Alex has her trust, i mean she wants to have faith in him, to trust him and to try to have him in her complicated life...
I call it small pressure ahaha

See you in the next one!
Hope you are enjoying it!

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