"what happens then"

"I'd become alone wolf"

"sounds perfect"

"Are you kidding me? my life would be officially over. I'd be kicked out of my family pack with no prospect of finding a mate" Enid tried to explain to Wednesday.

"I'm failing to see the problem here,"

"I could die alone"

"We all die alone, enid"

"you really suck that this cheering people up,"

"why are you crying ?" Wednesday question the girl.

"Because I'm upset. haven't you ever cried or are you above that too?" Enid questions and snaps that Wednesday at the same time.

"it was the week after Halloween. I was six years old. I took my pet scorpion Nero out for his afternoon stroll and we were ambushed. they wondered what kind of freak would have a scorpion for a pet. two of them hold me down and made me watch while the other ran Nero over." Wednesday says with a while looking not wanting to go on with the story but knowing it was better if she just finished it. " it was snowing when I buried what was left of him. I cried my little black heart out but tears don't fix anything so I vowed never to do it again."

"your secret is safe with me. still think you're weird as shit though." Enid thinks about why the girl is the way she is cold because she doesn't want to get close to people to just lose them like her pet scorpion.

"the feeling is incredibly mutual. how would you like your single room back? you just need to show me how to use your computer," Wednesday asked Enid making a new plan for leaving this school.


Wednesday sits in front of Enid's computer waiting for Tyler to call her because she sends Thing out to find the boy. After all, he stated that he would help her before the fight that happened in Weathervane. it hasn't taken long for Thing to get where it was going to be. which is Tyler's house because he said he would drive her out of town so she could leave this place once and for all.

"uh, hi," Tyler says still looking at the hand that is in this house telling him what to do.

"that's Thing," Wednesday explained who her friend was to Tyler because he kept looking at the hand.

"Is he like your pet?" Tyler says getting Thing to give him the finger.

"he sensitive," Wednesday says knowing what thing is doing at this point.

"Look I know Nevermore is ground zero for all thing things weird but this is the next level. so what happened to not wanting to be a slave to technology," Tyler says questioning and also wanting to move on from the last bit of the converting and the hand.

"desperate times, are you still willing to help me escape,"

"Well, after what happened at the weathervane today I figured they'd have you in solitary" Tyler admitted to Wednesday.

"There's the harvest festival this weekend. attendance is mandatory. I'm going to use it as a cover if you're still willing to drive me to the train station, I can make it worth your while."

"I'm in and no charge consider it a freebie,"

"why?" Wednesday questioned Tyler on why he would do something for free when he could get money for doing it.

"cause I wish I was going with you. at least one of us will get out of this hellhole town." after Tyler's last comment Wednesday hung up and closed the computer.

Wednesday X TribridWhere stories live. Discover now