to which Enid or Wednesday do not answer her.

"Great talk," ms Thornhill said as she was leaving the room. Wednesday just returned to her typewriter to start writing again hopeful in pieces this time.


the next day Wednesday, Enid, Faith and a group of other Nevermore students are in the gym for fencing. Wednesday shows up late to class while wearing an all-black fencing suit with all others wearing white and Faith in a light red one.

Faith was fencing with someone winning every game they had. Faith stopped so she could get a drink and walked over to the beach to take a drink from her water. When Faith got there is picked up a scent coming from under the beach so she looked under the beach and spotted a moving hand. that looked like in hiding and following someone. maybe the new girl the school got.

when Wednesday passed them looking that faith looking down on the ground for some reason, but whatever for it doesn't matter to Wednesday so she just moves on. after Wednesday leave them there Faith picks up the hand hiding it from others to see it so she can find things out about the hand that for some reason is in fencing class.

Wednesday stop walking in of my match when the guy fell over after losing a round. " coach, coach she tripped me" the guy says taking off his mask. trying to look at the fencing coach.

"it was a clean strict Rowan" the coach states to Rowan who does this type of thing all of the time when he loses a game.

"Maybe if you whined less and practised more you wouldn't suck. seriously coach when am I going to get some real competition? anyone else wants to challenge me."

" I'm sure Faith will be willing to challenge you again." the coach says to Bianca and her face drops to the name of the girl. Wednesday then wonders what happened the last time they fought in fencing class and if Bianca just changed that fast with how she was acting. Wednesday had seen Faith and didn't know why people said she was dangerous. From what Wednesday could see about Faith she was shy and nice. and wounded see a reason for people to be so afraid of her.

" I do," Wednesday said. after seeing that Faith listens to the conversation going on between them. and the thing runs off to find somewhere to hide after they conclude talking to each other. and Faith slowly makes her way over to watch the fright that coming up between Wednesday and Bianca thinking going to be a good fright.

"oh you must be the psychopath they let in"

"And you must be the self-appointed queen bee, the interesting thing about bees. pull out their stingers they drop dead." with a few kids making around them ooh sounds. witch Faith just looks on wanting to see some of the fright.

"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defence he is not helpless he's lazy" To Faith it sounds like there is fear in her voice not wanting to fight.

"Are we doing this or not? or I'm sure Faith would love to take my place," meaning the girl that was brought up easily to see how Bianca reacted to this.

"en grade," both girls are standing on the mat stating on the mat and both put on their fencing masks. now ready to start the fight between them. they start with Bianca attacking Wednesday which she blocks. they both attacked and blocking till Wednesday could score a point.

"point to Wednesday," the coach says. they go again this time it lasts half the time as the last round. then Wednesday going to go for the drop down to one knee going for the feet but get kit on the head. "the score is even"

"That first point was clearly beginner luck," Bianca said to Wednesday like it was a fact.

"for the final point, I would like to invoke a military challenge. no masks, no tips. winner draws first blood" All of the students in the room were not expecting this so they were all looking worried. I mean who knows the type of cut you could get from this?

"It's your decision, Bianca," the coach says letting Bianca have a chance of getting out of this if she wants.

"let's see if you bleed in black and white"

" she bleeds red like anyone else or are you just that dumb," Faith says back to the comment about Wednesday bleeding. getting both Wednesday and Bianca to look at her with Wednesday being more of a glare. to which, she just smiles that the witch pissed Bianca off.

they both toss their masks to the side getting ready to again another round. the round plays very differently from the other two rounds they have. They both were moving around a lot more than the other two rounds. but in the end, Bianca got a small cut on Wednesday's head just above the eye.

"your face finally got that splash of colour it is so desperately needed," Bianca stated after winning the last round. with Wednesday just going to leave to go to the infirmary.

But just before Wednesday out the door, she hears Faith make another comment to piss off Bianca. " see told you but then again is just a fact and if you were so smart as you act to be you should know that" and with that, Wednesday leaves.

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