Kenny x M!Reader

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M/N pov:

Kenny has been driving Me crazy. All day today. He's been flirting, Messing with Me, playing with Me, ect.
It sucks, and I just want to punch him in the face. He has a really punch able face. And its driving me insane! Also he's been doing some dumbass punchlines and they are really cheesy.
"Heyy~." Kenny say's walking with you.
"Go away, Kenny." I roll my eyes.
"Aw is someone in a bad mood?"
"Well actually I wasn't until you showed up." I look away.
"Well that hurts my feelings."
"Good." I laugh. Walking away a bit faster then before. Kenny catches up with me.
"So cutie~."
"Stop calling me that."
"What's the plan for today?"
"Why should I tell you." I stop walking crossing my arms.
"Because we're friends! And maybe I want to spend time with you."
"I don't know about the friends part. And spending time with you is definitely a No."
"Aw, Come on just for one day. Well can go to a cafe and get some drinks."
"Dude you wouldn't even pay."
"Well actually I got payed today so, Fuck you" He grins. I flip him off and continue walking.
"Sooo is that a yes!"
"Do it look like a No right now McCormick?" I said sarcastically. Kenny eyes lighted up with Joy. He jogged to Catch up with you. He still gets on your nerves and he is still a pain. But right now your getting free food so Fuck it. He tried to hold my hand but I had just slapped it away.
"Dude. No"
"M/N please!"
"Keep on estúpido (Stupid) and I'm gonna go home."
"Fine, fine my apologies."
"Dude how in the hell are you wearing a jacket. It's fucking summer. Are you not melting?"
"Nah, but are you melting because of how hot you are~" .
I slap him in the back of his head.
"Shut up."
"Ow. M/N that hurts!"
"You'll be fine. Anyway we're here". I open the door and a bell rings. We walking in side and see people doing their own things.
"H-Hello welcome to T-Tweeks Coffee shop" (I kinda forgot what the shop was called when I was writing this so yeah I don't remember, don't judge me.)

I wave at the blonde. We sit down at one of the open table's.
When we sit down, Tweek walks over towards us.

"So what can I start you off with today?"
"I will have (Whatever drink)."
"Okay, and you?" Tweek writes down the first order.
"Uh can I have a tea?" Kenny said looking at the blonde.
"Kenny this is a fucking coffee shop." Tweek said putting his arms down.
"D-Does it look like we have fucking tea?" Tweek said annoyed. I tried to hold back laughter. But failed.
"Shit my bad. Uh then can I just have a black coffee." Kenny mumbled.
"Okay, basic bitch.." Tweek writes down the second order. I was just there laughing.
"Hey Tweek uh I kinda broke something, when I was cleaning up". Craig came up towards tweek. The blonde looked like he was about to lose his temper.
" Again! Craig this is the Fifth time this week!" The blonde said clenching on the notebook.
"I know, Oh and can I take a break I need to go check up on strip. My parents aren't at home and they took my sister with them." Craig said bluntly.
"Craig it's a fucking Hamster!"
"Strip is not a Hamster he's a Genny pig!" (Idk how to spell that shit.) The boy's walk away. Still arguing.
"Craig you know what go check up on strip I don't care. But when we both get off of are shifts. I swear your gonna get it when we get home." Tweek said going behind the counter.
"Who the hell is Strip?" Kenny said confused.
"Bro at this point I don't know."
"Is that how we're gonna act when we start dating?"
"What?" I said confused.
"What?" Kenny said looking away.
                                                *Time skip*
Kenny was making jokes and we were both just laughing. We were now at the park. I was sitting on a swing set. And Kenny was just sitting in front of me, He had his arms and his head on top of his arms on my legs. Looking up at me. I wasn't complaining anymore about Kenny's dumb interactions. I actually kinda enjoyed his company. It was nice. I guess what was really the problem was just his cheesy pick-up lines and how he was flirting with me. It was just a bother to me but now that we both just kinda chilled I enjoy being around him.
We were just telling each other dumb stories. Well he was the main one telling the stories because I didn't really have a lot. But he sure did, it was just stories about what his friend group had did when he was in elementary. I was just listening to him and playing with his hair since he took off his jacket. I actually found this really comforting. Hearing him talk and just messing with his hair a bit. I had remembered that I had some rubber bands in my bag. I got the little rubber bands. And Kenny just looked at them confused.
"Why do you always have a rubber bands with you?" Kenny laugh a bit.
"I don't really know why it's just kinda Force of habit."
"Well, when I was around 11-12 I had this friend well more of a best friend. Every time we had PE or recess I'll just play with his hair just like this, but I'll do little pigtail, ponytail and other stuff, but he hated when I ever did pigtails." I laugh at the little memory.
"What was his name?" Kenny looked at me.
"Nathion (Or any different names)." I smile
"That's cool." Kenny said closing his eyes.
"So what happened to him?"
"Idk." I said putting pigtails in Kenny's hair.
It was silent but not the bad silence. It was more of comforting silence. It was nice. Just the two of you. I began to speak.
"You know.." Kenny opens his eyes slightly.
"You kinda remind me of him."
"Is that a good thing?" Kenny said confused. Kinda hoping it wasn't a bad thing that he reminded you of the old friend.
"Mhm". Kenny smiles.
"But with you I can actually confess my feelings." I smile.
Kenny smiles at me.
"I love you Kenny.."
"I love you too M/N." Kenny said before kissing me.

This is probably my favorite story minus the misspelling. But I really liked this one. It's just really comforting but chaotic. Oh also if you haven't noticed how all the beginning and the end are all the same it's because I don't know how to start it off and I don't know how to end it off.

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