Craig's group oneshotes

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How they felt when they first met you vs. Now

He was the first one to say hi and introduce you to his group, He thought you were nice. He didn't have a problem with you unlike the others. Well he was still cautious but he didn't worry to much. Now he just spoils you rotten. He will give you everything you ever wanted. All of your clothes now are just nothing but designer bags, shoes, clothes, ect. People always tells Tolkien that you are just in it for the money but he knows that's not true. You two have been together for 3 years. If you were in it for the money then you would of just left by now. Also he would of known it if you were in for the money. But he would act like he normally does then he'll just sue you or just break up with you and make you pay him every dime he spent on you. But that wouldn't happen because he loves you and you adore him.

He thought he could of made you his as fast as a snap. Because in his small head pretty/good looking boys = His Next boyfriend. Clyde would keep on flirting with you 24/7 he never stopped. When you would ignore him he thought you were playing hard to get. But you weren't. This would go on for days until you just gave in. Now he Follows you around like a puppy. He loves you and you love him. But there's just a problem now he's a good looking guy and girls like that so there's always girls trying to go on him when you two ever go out sometimes those girls are a little too bold and try to do the unthinkable. So if he "Cheat" it's not his fault. He would constantly tell the girls he's taking they just do not care. And you get severely jealous and upset but when y'all go home he'll apologize so many times and he tries to make it up to you.

He didn't like you. The first time he met you he just flipped you off. But when you did it back, he didn't slightly hate you anymore. The reason he flipped people off when he Mets anyone new it's like a test to see how they react.Now he loves you so much every time he ever sees you he gives you little head Pat's. You have all of his favorite hoody and jackets.

When he first met you he was freaking out because seeing someone new or meeting someone new is to much pressure for the poor boy. But you gave him space and gave him time to adjust meeting someone new. And he appreciate it. So he tried talking to you and sooner or later he warmed up to you. Now, he is always by your side and he loves your company. Your the reason why he slowed down on his coffee addiction. You helped him through tough times and good times, and of course he did the same to you.<3

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