Chapter 27

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Yosei's P. O. V:

An ear splitting sound blasts out from the flute the blonde haired demon is playing, so loud it almost feels like my ears are going to burst.

Giyu grunts as he covers his ears while I just whip my head away, squinting my eyes closed. Giyu and I struggle against the shocking sound for another moment before I grit my teeth and charge forwards, my pink nichirin sword at the ready.

"What—?!" The demon gasps before I let out a loud grunt of exertion, thrusting my sword forward.

"Fairy Breathing, Second Form: Elegant Spirit Time Bomb!" I plant a pink ticking bomb against her shoulder just as sue goes to dodge. However, the bomb explodes in a torrent of pink and purple flames, making her cry out as she's thrown backwards, before her back hits a tree.

I remain in my ready stance with my katana raised as the demon hits the ground.

"Y-Yosei-chan, how did you...?" Giyu asks, trailing off as he blinks at me and lowers his hands.

"I just did my best to block it out," I reply without glancing to him.

"You'll pay for that, Fairy Hashira," The demon growls out before playing another shockingly high note that's about to burst my eardrums. I just flash in front of her and swing my sword, cutting her right arm off, along with the horrid sound.

"How are you unaffected by my flute?!" The demon demands to know.

"I just do my best to drown you out," I reiterate before readying my katana. "Fairy Breathing, First Form: Gleaming Slash!" I send out multiple pink glittering slashes of my sword. One hits but the others miss.

"Fairy Breathing, Sixth Form: Mirage," I say, sending out illusionary flowers that swirl beautifully around the demon, preventing her from moving, before I move in to attack, slashing and stabbing my katana at her.

"Water Breathing, Fourth Form: Striking Tide," Says Giyu before he lunges for our opponent and thrusts his water covered sword at her. Sue snarls as it plunges deep into her left shoulder. Giyu and I attack her in turn. "Water Breathing, Third Form: Flowing Dance!" Giyu twists his sword along his body before thrusting it for the demon's stomach. It hits and she hisses furiously, before kicking out at the blue eyed male.

"Fairy Breathing, Second Form: Elegant Spirit Time Bomb," I say before landing a bomb on the demon's right side. It goes off strongly and sends her crashing against the tree to the side of the clearing.

"Water Breathing, First Form: Water Surface Slash," Says Giyu, swinging his blue nichirin katana at the green eyed demon. She gasps and rolls out of the way before getting to her feet, just as Giyu's sword cuts through the tree. The tree tumbles to the ground with a heavy thud as we face the enemy, her right arm now fully regenerated.

The demon raises another flesh flute to her lips and plays an ear splitting melody, causing Giyu to hunch as he covers his ears and grunts at the pain. I look at him worriedly before I move to attack the demon.

"Fairy Breathing, Third Form: Magical Hell!" I create a red cloud above the demon. Then I repeatedly slash my sword at her. I feel a few of my attacks hit across her chest before the red cloud starts fading away.

The demon snarls and kicks me in the abdomen, sending me flying backwards. I was caught by Giyu who has now recovered from the deadly melody.

"Are you alright, Yosei-chan?" The Tomioka asks in concern as he sets me on my feet.

I reply, "Yes, I'm alright, Yu-kun. What about you?" I look at him in concern.

"Don't worry about me. I can handle her melody," He tells me.

"We have to defeat her soon before she destroys both our eardrums," I mutter, growing back at our opponent, who raises another flute to her lips. Giyu and I both tense. She plays a deathly loud tone and we struggle against it.

I grit my teeth as I brace myself.

The demon then launches for Giyu and I and punches the side of my face, sending me crashing against the boulders she was perched on awhile ago, before kicking Giyu in the side. He hits the ground away from me.

"I'll devour both you Hashira tonight," The female demon growls as Giyu and I sit up a bit. "It's been a bit since I last ate a Hashira, though I've never had a Fairy Hashira before." She turns to me with her red lips curved into a greedy smile. "I think I'll eat you, first."

The demon approaches me and I go to use my sword, but she kicks it out of my hand and slams her foot onto my hand, making me cry out at the pain as her sharp heel digs into me.

"Don't bother with that. You won't be needing it," She tells me, still smiling. The woman then kicks me onto my back to get a better look at me. "Hm, it's no wonder the Water Hashira cares about you so."

The demon sneers over at Giyu who's watching me fearfully, before looking back at me. The demon tucks a few strands of blonde hair behind her left ear as she slowly crouches by my head.

"Time to feast," She hisses. But before the woman couod dig her teeth into me, a dragon made of water shoots right by her head, roaring furiously and scraping her shoulder.

The demon jumps back and dodges another attack from Giyu. I take that opportunity to jump to my feet, snatching up my katana.

"Fairy Breathing, Sixth Form: Mirage!" I say before sweeping my sword. An illusion of flowers swirls around the blonde haired demon, keeping her from attacking us right now.

I then snatch Giyu's right wrist and I hear the demon snarl furiously as we retreat, running, into the night dark forest.

Fairy on the Water (Giyu X OC, Kimetsu no Yaiba Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now