Chapter 25

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Yosei's P. O. V:

I find myself waking up in Giyu's arms a few mornings later. I smile to myself as I bring up my hand to caress his cheek. It's been like this the past few days, and I've been sleeping better. So has Giyu, apparently.

I've been feeling safer since I've been spending more time with my childhood friend this past week. But I know that Tsukino is still watching me closely.

When Oyakata-sama asked why I was staying at Giyu's the past few days, I couldn't lie to him any longer and told the Master what went down between me and Tsukino that night. He was mad I didn't tell him sooner and said he'd have a word with Tsukino, which I was afraid of.

But Oyakata-sama said he'd make sure Tsukino didn't come after me or Giyu. Or the Kamado siblings, since I told him they know now.

Not wanting to wake the Water Hashira, I cautiously slide out of bed and head into the bathroom to get dressed in my a white kimono with a wide black and yellow obi, a black under kimono beneath it. I then put my hair in a single high ponytail and go into the bathroom to make breakfast.

As I was a few minutes away from finishing breakfast, I hear footsteps approaching and look to see Giyu, fully dressed, but without his haori, his unruly hair in its usual ponytail.

"Good morning, Yu-kun," I greet.

"Good morning," He returns, smiling. He leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed. "Do you need help with anything?"

"No, thank you. I've got it."

Giyu watches me as I finish making breakfast. Then I dish it up and grab maple syrup. Giyu gets two cups and the milk bottle before setting them on the floor.

"Thank you, Yosei-chan. But, you know, you don't always have to cook it yourself. I don't mind lending a hand," Says Giyu before we put the syrup on the fish waffle and start cutting into it.

"Really, I don't mind. I feel I like should help out with the cooking since you're letting me hide out here," I say flippantly. "I've actually been sleeping a lot better since."

A relieved smile touches the Water Hashira's lips. "I'm glad to hear that. Any plans for today?"

I shake my head as I chew some waffle. Swallow it. "None, really, until I go out on a mission. You?"

"I'll just be happy spending the day with you," He responds, making my heart flutter.

We eat in content silence and Giyu helps me wash up. We spend most of the morning cuddling together on the couch, his arms wrapped around me and my head on his chest.

We don't really speak; just enjoy each other's company.

I help Giyu with any chores he has later that day, and we watch TV for a couple of hours in the afternoon.


Later that afternoon, I was rummaging through the pantry for what to make for dinner. I realise we were low on ingredients so I make a list and let Giyu know I'm heading to the shops.

He offers to come with me and I agree. We find the ingredients we need and soon leave the shops, a few bags held in the Tomioka's arms.

"Giyu-kun, are you sure you're alright with all of that?" I inquire, glancing to him. "I can take a couple of them, if you like."

"No, I'm fine, Yosei-chan. I don't mind carrying the bags for you," He responds. I smile at him.

"You're so sweet, Yu-kun," I say with a smile. A familiar figure in the crowd ahead catches my attention. I let out a gasp when I take a closer look and see the Eclipse Hashira, watching me from within a group of passersby, my purple orbs wide.

"Yosei-chan? What is it?" Giyu asks me, pausing.

I drag my gaze away as I give him a shaky smile and say, "I-It's nothing, Yu-kun..." At his furrowed brows, I sigh. "I... I thought I saw Tsukino, but..." I look back but the white and black haired man was no longer there. I blink and frown. "That's weird... I could've sworn he was just there..."

"Don't worry, Yosei-chan, I believe you," Giyu reassures me. I meet his steady gaze. "Let's get out of here."

I nod and keep close to my friend as we leave the marketplace.

We get home and Giyu helps to put away the items. I realise my hands were shaking. "Are you okay?" Giyu asks in concern.

"He's been watching me so closely since the trial, and now I feel like I'm seeing Tsukino everywhere," I breathe. Giyu wraps his arms around me and holds me against his chest.

"I won't let him hurt you again. I promise," He tells me unwaveringly. I hug him back, already feeling so safe.

After a few moments, I pull away from Giyu and smile appreciatively at him. "Thank you for that, Yu-kun. I do feel better now."

He smiles in relief as the Tomioka says, "I'm glad. How about I make dinner for us tonight?"

"I don't mind—" I begin, blinking my eyes. Giyu was steering me to the living room.

"I insist. You just go relax and I'll call you when dinner is ready, okay?"

I sigh, "Okay. Thank you, Yu-kun." I kiss his cheek before I go and sit on the couch. I end up dozing off while I wait for Giyu to finish making dinner.

"Yosei-chan, dinner is ready," Giyu calls about an hour later. I open my eyes and sit up before I get off the couch and head into the kitchen. I smile at the table, for dinner was green beef yakitori with green tea and simmered salmon with daikon.

"It looks so good," I say as we sit at the table on our knees. "Thank you for the food," Giyu and I say in unison before we pick up our chopsticks and dig in. I close my eyes and hum in content.

"Hm. This is delicious," I say.

"I'm glad you like it," Says Giyu. We chat contentedly while we eat. When we finish, I help Giyu wash up and we cuddle on the couch some more while we watch TV.

At ten 0' clock, we get into our pyjamas and climb into bed. Giyu immediately wraps me up in his arms and hoods me against him.

"I'm glad Tsukino didn't approach us in the market today," I murmur.

Giyu says, "I would have protected you. Tsukino doesn't scare me, Yosei-chan."

I lean up on my elbows as I whisper, shaking my head, "You don't know how strong he is. He's merciless to anyone Taukino sees as his enemy. I don't want you to get hurt." I caress his cheek.

"You don't have to worry about me, Yosei-chan," He says firmly. "All that matters to me is that you're safe."

I smile softly at his words and press a kiss to his forehead, allowing my lips to linger. When I pull back, there's a blush in his cheeks.

I then lay down with my back to my friend and we both fall asleep.

Fairy on the Water (Giyu X OC, Kimetsu no Yaiba Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now