Chapter 9 - Misslead

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Warnings - none

I knew better than to bring her into this kind of world, unlike the Winchester brothers who don't care. The more time went on, the more I chose to make this out to be their fault and not my own. In truth it's a two way street, both of us are at fault for what happened and what is happening in our lives. I hate that thought, but I knew better than to just blame Sam, but most of me wanted to blame him for everything. For getting me pregnant, for throwing me into this world, making me lie to my friends and family. Now allowing me to feel peace of mind anymore knowing what truly lurked out in the darkness of the night and brightness of the day.

I know it's partly wrong to blame them, but I'm also not in the wrong when wanting to blame them for this. I want my baby, our baby to be happy with both parents, but my dreams won't become a reality when he try's to find me. To find us I should say, but that's not my problem anymore, not with everything happening and going on. It was now time to say goodbye to my old life and hop in this moving truck to go onto a new path. To follow my heart, for the better of myself and my child that has yet to be born.

I knew things were changing and changing faster than I had ever wanted them to, but that's life for you. There is nothing you can do when things begin to change without your wanting them to. I took a deep breath, looked around the apartment one last time before shutting the door and locking it. I went down to the front desk handed in my keys to my apartment and the mailbox, with that I left towards the moving truck. I said goodbye to my friendly neighbors, only the ones that I had come to know better than the others of course.

I got into the truck, but stopped when I saw Jess rushing to me with tears in her eyes and stuff in her hand. I didn't know what to think at first, but the worst was in my mind when I saw it all.

"Please, I'm sorry but you can't leave me" she pleaded

"Jess I have to, I can't be here anymore and you know it" I said

"Fine, but take this, take him and give it to the baby for me" she said

"But this is your childhood teddy bear" I said shocked

"I'm in my twenties Sarah, I can't be holding onto a teddy bear without kids around, it doesn't make sense and isn't good for one night stands" she laughed softly at the end

"Okay, your not wrong, having your teddy bear sitting on your bed isn't something a one night stand would want to see, so I'll ake sure to take good care of Gabby for you until the baby is born" I smirked

"Thank you, oh and here this is for the road, it's full of snacks and drinks so you don't have to stop as often to eat or get a drink that could be contaminated you know" she said

"Yeah thanks Jess really it means a lot" I said

"Okay you take care, and promise me you'll call before the baby is born and I'll be on the next flight" she said

"You got it, thanks again for everything I couldn't ask for anyone better to have been there for me" I said

"I love you, you too little one" she said and with that we parted ways

I fought the tears that threatened to spill because it wouldn't be good to drive while crying it was too dangerous. For not only me, but now the unborn baby that was in my stomach, two lives I was now looking after.


"Hey Billy it's Sarah" I said

"Hey kid, you heading this way yet?" he asked

"That's why I'm calling, I'm headed your way now" I said

"Great, see you in a few days kid" he said

"Tell the others I'll see them all soon" I said

"Will do kid, you and that baby drive safe now" he said

"Of course Billy" I said

End of call

Authors note -

Hi my lovely readers just a reminder that if anything triggers you don't comment negatively please I am giving you warnings and if you don't like my books please don't hate on me just stop reading it.

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