Chapter 16 - This Is Home

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Warnings - none

Two weeks later

I finally was able to take Trinity home with me and Leah was more than happy to be calmer now. Leah was natural with Trinity and very over protective of her too, Sam and Dean had long ago left with a big argument over it too. Don't get me wrong here, I know Sam and Dean both have a right to be around Trinity, but I wasn't leaving Washington to let that happen. 

Four years later
Narrators POV

Now that trinity was four and time was flying Leah was even more attached than anything to the girl. Leah wanting to make sure she never got hurt by anyone or anything of course. Trinity was happy to be around Leah all the time even if she was too young to understand the connection between them. Jacob had imprinted on the chief swan's daughter Bella's daughter named Renesemee. While the pack's were slightly divided now with Jacob, Leah, Seth, Embry and Quill in one pack. While Sam, Paul, Jared, Brady and Collin were in another pack, but they would come and fight together when needed.

Sam and Dean hadn't seen Trinity or Sarah per Sarah's request of course because she worried about Leah's connection to the girl. Although Trinity stated showing signs of magical abilities and no one knew why or how she got them. That's when Sarah began to worry and she decided to do research only to come up with nothing. So she decided on one thing and one person she knew that would know the answer to her question. She didn't want to need this, she didn't want to have to need their help but she did. She knew things would be difficult if things got out of hand and she worried what Leah would say when she found out she called. __________________________________

Leah's POV

I was walking down the beach with Trinity and some of the pack that being Seth and Embry.

"Lee, water" Trinity giggled

"It's really cold we don't want you to get sick" I said

"Leah, Trinity" Sarah called out as she approached us

"Hey" I said

"Momma" Trinity said rushing to Sarah

"Trinity be careful" I called out as I rushed after her

She jumped into Sarah's arms and that's when I noticed a man behind her, a very familiar man that I strongly disliked.

"What is he doing here?" I growled

"I tried calling you to explain, but you didn't answer" Sarah said

"Mommy who's that" Trinity asked pointing to Sam Winchester

"Leah" Seth said softly knowing what was wrong and why I was beginning to shake violently

"Here hold her" Sarah said handing Trinity to me

I held Trinity close to me and inhaled her scent causing her to giggle and me to smile softly. I glared at Sam, but knew he had to be here for a very important reason according to Sarah. As much as I didn't like him or his brother for being hunters and being rude to Sarah. But I Knew she promised to never call either of them unless it was necessary for her and Trinity.

"Come on lets, go talk at Billy's place" Sarah said

I held onto Trinity as we walked towards Billy's house where we would talk about whatever it was we needed to talk about. I sat down at the kitchen table with Trinity sitting in my lap playing with my hair.

"I know you don't like me, but she is still my daughter" Sam said

"Yes, but what exactly do you need to be here for?" I asked

"Because she called me for help" Sam said

"Well, I called him because of her abilities Leah" Sarah said

"You told him?" I asked shocked

"She had a right, because I have something to tell you all" Sam said

"What is it exactly?" Billy asked

"When I was born a demon bled in my mouth giving me physic abilities like having visions of the future, moving things with my mind and exercising demons with my mind" Sam said

"You mean to tell me that you are physic and because of some demon putting blood in your mouth and your telling us four years later" I growled

"Yes, but only because I never thought my abilities could be passed down to a child if I ever had any" he said

"Great so she's got abilities because of some crazy psycho demon" I snapped

"Basically yes" Sam said

"Do you know what abilities she might have then?" Sarah asked

"Well not exactly, but what has she been doing that was unnatural?" Sam asked

"I think she's thrown something with her mind once, a toy when she was upset" I said

"So she has that ability like me, anything else?" Sam asked

"Not that I've noticed yet" I said

"I...When she was sleeping one day I noticed that her hands sparked a glowing red like color" Sarah said

"Huh weird" Sam said

"Is this all he's here for?" I asked

"Yes, but I wanted to check in on her" Sam said

"Well she's fine, were all fine you can leave now" I said

"Leah" Billy said softly

"No one want's him here I'm simply stating what everyone is thinking" I snapped

"Lee lee it's okay" Trinity said softly into my hair

I relaxed a little bit knowing she was in my arms and not in the hands of that stupid hunter father of hers.

Authors note -

Nope not today satan 😂

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