Chapter 22 - Even More Dangerous

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Warnings - self harm, attempt suicide, near death, self hate,

Leah's POV

I hated myself for pushing her away, for telling her what I had told her and now she's gone. It's my fault she left after all I did tell her to run away in front of everyone. As I was sitting on the beach I felt a pain in my arms I looked down, but nothing appeared to be harming me. That's when I knew the only possible answer was that Trinity was hurt. Part of me wanted to run and find her, where I knew she would be, but the other part wanted to give her some space.

"Leah what if it's bad?" Seth asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"What if she's hurting herself or someone is hurting her?" Seth said

"No way, she can't be hurting herself that would" I began to panic now

"Leah" Seth said softly

"I need to go, and I need to umm" I began I tried to walk, but suddenly everything went black and I fell, but someone caught me I think

Trinity's POV

Part of me knew they would find out, but part of me hoped they wouldn't this soon. I mean I'd only been away from Leah for a week now, due to the traveling and the finally arriving part. The pain of not being around Leah was hurting more than I ever imagined it to hurt.

"Kid, what have you done to yourself?" Dean said grabbing my arms softly and looked at them

"It hurts, she's gone, Leah hates me and" I began but everything suddenly went black

Sam Winchester's POV

"Sam hurry, she's gone and passed out on us" Dean yelled from the living room area

I rushed into the room and panicked when he had shown me all the cuts on both of her arms.

"Why did she do this?, did she tell you why?" I asked panicking

"She's in pain, and it's that stupid imprint thing with Leah" Dean said

"We need to get her to Leah somehow" I said

"You just got your daughter for the first time and you want to send her back to the girl that hurt her?" Dean snapped

"She has to, it's the bond I read up on it Dean if they are too far apart once they have met then things can be dangerous" I said

"Where the hell is Cas, can he help" Dean said

"I don't know if I can Dean" Cas said suddenly appearing

"Damn it Cas you have to do something, can't you use your wings and take her back, or get Leah here?" Dean said

"I might be able to get Leah here, but I can't move Trinity, she's how do I say this, umm spell bound here" Cas said

"What do you mean Spell bound here?" I snapped

"When she asked Lucifer to take Crowely, before she tied him up he spelled her here only once he knew who she really was, but I didn't known until a few moments ago" He said

"Great, save my damn daughter and get Leah here fast" I snapped

"Since when does he keep secrets from us" Dean said

"I don't know Dean, he's been weird lately" I said

In a split second Cas returned with Leah in his arms who was also passed out cold, when he lay her beside Trinity. That's when the magic happened, Leah gasped, shooting up and looking around for Trinity. When she spotted her she immediately looked at her body for injuries and then growled when she saw them.

"What happened, how did I get here?" Leah asked

She was holding Trinity's head in her lap and combing through her hair with her fingers. 

"I flew you here, I'm an angel" Cas said

"What's wrong with her now?" Leah asked

"She was hurting herself, then suddenly passed out" Dean said

Leah looked down at her, then looked at her arms and tears formed in her eyes.

"Why did you push her away Leah, she's your imprint you knew it was dangerous to do that?" I asked

"You don't understand Sam, I did it to protect her, she wasn't happy with me being around anymore and she almost got killed by a group of vampires and now she's here hurting herself" Leah snapped

"Well you haven't even told why your constantly with her, she doesn't understand it" I said

"Well, she's too young to know about it, I don't want her to choose me just because of it" she said

"You don't know that, you don't know maybe she feels the bond, but she doesn't understand it" I said

"I won't tell her, not yet and you better not either not yet at least" she said more like growled out at us

"But it will help her understand why your always around, why you constantly want to be around her and protect her" Dean said

"Yes, but what if she doesn't take the imprint thing well, what if she doesn't want anything to do with me" she asked

"That's a chance you have to be willing to take Leah" I said

"I don't know if I'm ready" she said

"Well, you have to be, you need to tell her the truth so she will go back to Washington with you" Dean said

"She's not leaving here, not yet" Crowley said as he appeared out of nowhere

Leah growled and held Trinity closer to her in a protective manner, not knowing who Crowley was.

Authors note -

Sorry and again if anyone needs anything reach out I'm here if you need anything.

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