Chapter 7 - A Few Helping Hands

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Warnings - none

"I'm sorry Sarah, I wish this wasn't hard on me but it is, I'll help you pack, I'll see you off but I...I can't help but miss you and I might not be able to visit you all that ways away" she said

"I couldn't ask you to leave the town you grew up in, heck when I first moved here I thought I'd never find anyone to help me and I never thought I'd meet someone like you, your more than a friend your family, your my sister the best one anyone could ask for, and all the help you give I'm willing to have if you want to leave and never talk again I can understand that but all I ask is for a few helping hands to get me through the packing cause being pregnant even a month and a half's worth is taking a toll on me" i said

"I'd never leave you Sarah, I will call you and FaceTime you every chance I get and you better do the same, I will try and visit here and there but I make no promise of that because of everything here I need to watch out for, but do send pictures and I'll make sure to be there when the baby is born okay" she said

"Thanks so much I would truly perish without you wouldn't I" k smirked

"Oh most definitely would perish without me" she laughed

"Okay you start wherever you want and I'll go finish where I started" i said

"Okay but call out if you need a break and I'll buy us lunch when the time comes oh and remind me about when your leaving so I can help you load up and ummm oh and see you off before you go cause I must give you a wonderful goodbye to make you miss me more" she smirked

"Deal" i said

With that we began packing and when the time came she bought us lunch. Nothing fancy just a quick takeout meal so that we could continue the days work. We ended up falling asleep at around nine o'clock in the middle of the night halfway done with packing everything. Maybe a little less than halfway due to all the damn shit I had in my apartment. How I fit all this crap in here I could never tell you that but what I did know is I'd have to store some of it and only take so much with me. I'd would be driving to Washington with the moving truck I have to rent. But billy did say the pack would help me unload and anything I couldn't fit in the basement where I'd stay. He could happily store it somewhere else, but never told me where.

I might have to downsize and sort through things before I leave like big furniture I might sell. So that way I have more food, gas and motel money. I couldn't possibly leave here without a few thousand dollars or more to get me by. I knew billy would help but I couldn't bare to trouble him with money problems. Plus I would get a job at any place i possibly could when I arrived in La Push Washington. Billy said there was a local diner in forks a town not far from where he lives. Or there was a bookstore in port Angeles where I could work either place always looked for help. Or there was a small story on the reservation that was like a local convenience store that always needed help he said.

"What's on your mind baby momma?" Jess laughed when she saw my expression

I couldn't help but join in on the laughter but sad when I realized it wouldn't be the same in Washington without her.

"Oh Jess I'm going to miss you" I cried

"Well it's clear those pregnancy hormones are kicking in" she giggled causing me to wack her lightly on the shoulder

"I'm just upset I have to uproot my entire life in the blink of an eye all because I had sex with some guy I barely knew" I said

"Everyone has one night stands Sarah and some even end up in this exact situation but you have to see the bright side of things before you get yourself too deep in a hole you can't climb out of" she said

"Thanks Jess for everything" i said and hugged her

"Oh I have a really important question for you" she said with excitement

"Oh uh I'm not sure I like where this is headed" i said

"Baby names, have you thought about it I mean I know it's only two and a half months in but you have to have something in mind right" she said

"I have a few boy names and girl names maybe I'll tell you if you get me some food" i smirked

"Okay fine but you tell me over breakfast" she said

"Deal" i said

She grabbed her keys and we headed for the door to which she walked out first and me second so I could lock the door. With that we walked down the hallway and out the apartment building towards her car having little conversation here and there while we rode to the nearest place to eat that was open and would have breakfast of course.

Authors note -

Nothing carry on my lovely's

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