Chapter 10 - Road Trip

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Warnings - negativity towards others

The typical trip from New York all the way to Washington state is 41 hours and 20 minutes, but that's not including construction, traffic or taking breaks in between. So I had to plan this all out before taking the trip right, and I did exactly that of course. So my first stop was from New York which was my starting point to Indiana which is about seven hours away from my starting point. Of course along the way I have to stop to eat, drink, sleep and get gas along the way like everyone else would. Next stop was from Indiana all the way to Iowa which would take another 8 hours.

Of course, along the way i would stop, but also took the time to update both Jess and Billy on my location and how things were going so far. My third stop would be from Iowa to some small place in South Dakota with like always stops in between for gas and food that I needed more than snacks Jess gave me. Stop number four was from South Dakota all the way to Montana which left me with maybe one or two more stops to make. Of course I took some time to sleep, but I didn't take too much time because I wanted to get to Washington as fast as I could.

Of course, I knew this was going to be hard and I knew it would take me like two or three days to get there of course. So stop number five was from Montana to Washington which was seven hours and thirty minutes. Where I planned to rest before getting to La Push which was a few more hours away. From the place I stopped at the first part of Washington state I had between 7-9 hours to Forks Washington. Where I would eat, then head thirty more minutes to La Push reservation to met Billy and his son Jacob.


"Billy I made it to Forks I'm at the diner eating now" I said

"Okay, I'll have my son meet you there to show you to our house" he said

"Billy" I said

"Yeah kid?" he asked

"Thank you, I can't ever repay you for this, your the best I could ask for right now with everything going on lately" I said

"Don't worry about it kid, it's going to be fun having some feminine energy in the house again or more Estradiol in the house" he laughed

"Yeah you probably have to much testosterone" I laughed

"Well obviously anyway see you soon okay" he said

"Yep see you soon" i said

End of call

I sat down in the diner and began looking at the menu when the lady came by to ask what I'd like.

"Actually if you haven't noticed im new here and im not sure what to choose can you recommend anything for me?" I asked

"Certainly dear, I'll have it out as soon as I can you just sit and enjoy your shake and water alright" she said

"Thanks" I said

"Of course dear" she said and walked off

Not too long after she walked away you could hear the ring of the bell signaling someone entered the diner. I looked up towards the door to notice a familiar boy with long hair, tan skin and big brown eyes that reminded me of Sam. Part of me hoped that the baby had my eyes so I didn't have to be reminded of Sam.

"Jacob over here" I called

"Sarah good to see you again" he said and sat down across from me

"So anything I have to worry about here?" I asked

"Just ignore Sam and his cult he's got one of my closest friends following him around like a puppy" he said with disgust in his voice

I sighed knowing the truth was hard because Jacob was soon going to be following Sam around too. Of course he didn't know that and I couldn't tell him that because it was against the elders rules in their tribe.

"Maybe he's going through stuff and they are too and maybe he's trying to help them don't take it too personally Jake it will all work out eventually" i said

"You sound like my dad and the elders" he laughed

"Here's your food dear" the waitress said and walked off once I thanked her

"So dad said you have some big reason your here" he said

"Well I'm on the run from the man who got me pregnant" i said shaking my head

"Oh uh not what I expected honestly" he laughed softly

"Yeah me either but your dad offered to help and said it would be good to have a female around maybe two if the baby is a girl" i said

"I personally hope it's a girl, maybe I could help you with them if it is, or whatever it is going to be" he said with hope in his eyes

"Of course Jake I'd love some help when their born" i said

Authors note -

Hi everyone nice to see you again if your here still then hope your enjoying if not I'm sorry it's not good for your liking. Anyway enjoying the rest while you can

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