Chapter 18 - In Due Time

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Warnings - Time skips, cussing, death

Narrator's POV

As time went on and Trinity grew up more and more, things began to change. Sarah found a job back home in New York, but couldn't bare to take Trinity from Leah. So, in the process Sarah would always visit her daughter and check in on her no matter what was going on. Especially when Sarah found her future husband that would give her one more child. Years passed and Sam didn't contact either of them or drop by unexpectedly either, but he and Dean were going through their own stuff too. It wasn't until Trinity fourteen did things begin to change dramatically and dangerously too. Although over the years the pack had found their imprints, Sam and Emily officially got married and were having a baby of their own. Paul had imprinted on one of Billy's eldest daughter who's name was Reachel.

Jared imprinted, Quill became part of the pack and imprinted on Emily's niece Claire who was five years old at the time. Now Trinity and Claire were similar in age except Trinity was fourteen which was three years old then Claire was meaning Claire was eleven. Embry had found a girl name Ally who he imprinted on and she later knew about his secret as well. Seth imprinted on a boy named Henry, while Collin and Bordy had yet to find imprints of their own. Jacob was still along the side of the Cullen family where he had imprinted on Bella and Edwards daughter as well. Leah was still overprotective of Trinity even though Trinity's abilities were stronger with each year she grew. Leah often warned the girl to make sure she stayed calm and didn't freak out on anyone in school. Unfortunately, things don't aways work out the way we want them to right.

Trinity's POV

I couldn't believe it when I was told, I hated the idea of being told this and I knew Leah understood how it felt. I hadn't talked to my dad let alone do I remember him when I first or the second time I met him when I was four. I try to not remember him because mom never talked about him still and Leah doesn't like talking about him either. So when two men showed up at my doorstep one taller than the other clamming one was my father I freaked out. I knew Leah was running patrol's right now so she couldn't help me in this situation. So, in any case like this I slammed the door in their face but they kept knocking.

"Okay fine, I'm coming alright" I snapped and opened the door

"That's no way to treat your father and uncle" the tall one said

My eyes widened, he had similar features to mine, but I also had some of my mothers features of course. I didn't know what to do, but I moved aside and let them in knowing if they were here something bad happened. Mom used to tell me stories about things all the time, the supernatural world was crazy and I was smack dab in the middle of it all. I motioned for them to sit down at the table, this house my mother bought for me and Leah so that Leah could take care of me while she's spending time working in New York with Ian and Beth. Beth was my little sister who was barely one years old and Ian was her new husband or my stepfather.

"So your the man my mother seems to hate so much because she doesn't speak too highly of you" I said sitting across from the taller one

"Trinity what have I told you about the front...." Leah began as she walked in through the open door

"It wasn't me" I said softly

"What the fuck are you two doing in our house" Leah growled and rushed to me

"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't important and you know that" the shorter on said

"Trinity that is Sam your father and his brother Dean who is your uncle" Leah said glaring at the two men as she sat beside me protectively

"So Sam is my father, Dean is my uncle, tell me what the hell your doing here" I said

"Trinity what have I told you about your mouth" Leah warned

"Says the person who just said the word fuck" I said

"Language" Sam said

"Since when do you get the right to tell me what to say and what not to say, haha that's what I thought" I glared at him

"Your mom she's umm" Sam said

"She's in New York I know, but why does that have anything to do with you being here" I asked

Leah looked at me and then towards the boys as if she knew something I didn't know. Leah turned to face me and grabbed my hands in hers. She only did this when bad news was arriving or when I was having a panic attack. Which the first was the only choice because I knew I wasn't having a panic attack right now.

Authors note -

Don't hate me I'm so sorry I had to follow the supernatural timeline sort of at least so no hate please.

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