the funeral /chp.24\

81 4 16

(Shino's pov)

"Hey Rikku" I say at the stairs due to coming from my room

"Hey shino" she waved. She was wearing a bit pasted the knee black dress that had long sleeves

I was wearing my jacket, grey shirt with my normal back pants

Soon Artemis came down, he was wearing his dark blue coat, with a grey turtleneck and some black pants

"Guessing you two are ready?" He asked

"Yeah" says Rikku

I put a hand on his back "we are here for you, we all are"

He gives a small smile and says "thank you"

We all leave our dorm and make our way to the front of the school where some others will be meeting us

The only people that are going are most people that were at the house that day, we told the others they could come they just felt like they didn't know her too well but would think about it for Artemis

We also didn't want to crowd up the graveyard

"Hey" said Kiyo

"Is eve ready?" artemis asked

"Think we are waiting on Kol" said Davis

"No, kol said he wasn't going to come" Flex said "felt awkward or something like that"

"I mean he was kinda a part of this last minute" clover says

"So was flex" Iris points out

"Kol isn't too good with this emotional kind of stuff" I explain

"So is anyone else coming?" Asked Sapphire

"Uh- not sure" Shizu said checking the group chat "I know I few teachers will be coming with, I think the only teachers staying back are Moodswing and Kowalski"

"Kowalski isn't a teacher" Flex says which makes a few of us laugh

Shizu gave a smile "staff members then"

"Guess you all are the ones coming?" Database said with Ronin and venus behind him

"Yeah..." Says Artemis

Database walks over to Artemis and asks "how are you feeling?"

Artemis gives him a smile smile before answering "I'm fine"

"Guess we will be splitting up who's hoing in who's car?" Ronin asks Database base

"Yeah" he sighs

In database's car its going to be Venus, me, Artemis and Rikku

In ronin's car it's Kiyo, Sapphire, Flex, Clover, Shizu, Davis and Iris

Ronin had more room in his car then Database does in his so he took most kids

After everyone got into their seats we drove off the the graveyard

When we were they we all walked to Mary's grave and gave her flowers and everything

We would all give speechs to the best of our abilities since not mant of us knew her to well

During this we made sure to comfort Artemis the best that we could

"Is that everyone?" Asked Venus

Everyone nodded their heads

"Any final words before we head back?" Asked Database

"No sir' Rikku said hugging Artemis

The teachers nodded and we all walked back to the cars

Along the way you could here us saying

"Its okay arty"

"Things will get better"

"We are here for you"

"We're family"

"Anything you want to go when we get back'

Things like that to cheer him up

Once we got back we headed over to our dorm

"Who are you texting?" Shziu asked Flex

"Its a surprise" said flex

Shizu lifted their phone to Flex who looked down at the ground

I don't think he realized that most od hs knew what was going on at the dorm

"Ready?" I asked Artemis

He looked confused "ready for what?" He asked

I opened the door and we all walked in "READY FOR FUNNNN!" Flex yelled

"We wanted to set up some movies, games and food to cheer you up" said Yuki

"Did you get everything I asked for?" Davis asked walking to the island

"Yep" said Yuki

"O-oh you guys didn't need to do this" Artemis says

"Is it too much? I mean we know you just back from a funeral a-and they are sad so we were hoping to put a smile on your face" Jack explained

"I-if you want to go t-to your room and stuff we understand" Yuuto says

"No it's not that, thank you really' Artemis says "you all are amazing"

Davis and Yuuto were cooling whole others played games or watched movies, we tried our best to lift the mood since we all needed it after the evenst that have happened

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