the fashion designer /chp.8\

86 6 19

(??? Pov)

"Is that Marie?" Asked a person

"Maybe? Do you think she would sign her autograph?" Asked another

As I walked out the hotel I was staying at since my stuff is still being brought here, people kept speaking my 'name'

I sigh and try to ignore it since I need to get to town to get fabrics

"Maire is here? I didn't know, did you?" Someone asked a friend

"No I didn't" said the friend

If you want me to be honest, my name isn't actually Maire, my name is Mary but I go by Maire and plan to change it to Maire like how I changed everything else, like my phone number etc

After the events of about 12 years ago happened I lived with my momther but then begain to travel around and statted my career back up but was Maire instead of Mary.... I don't want to be found... I want him to find me or anything of the sort

Of course I still miss my child and when I get the chance I will ask people if theu have seen him, the search was off years ago.... There were no leads were be could be and I couldn't be stuck doing nothing, I have a life and went on with that plus I need to be on my feet for if Artemis is ever found

I don't stay in towns for too long due to work and people always trying to find me

'this should be everything' I looked over my list and then the stuff that I bought 'I still have time'

I took in a drep breath and asked around if anyone had seen my son, though for the most part, like alwayd I am meet with disappointment

"A boy with black and white hair? And purple eyes?" The lady I asked repeated

"Yes ma'am" I say

"I have seen someone like that" She said

"R-really?" I was in shock, I was happy

"Yes it was a boy with black and white hair, purple eyes with dark purple glasses, he had a turtle neck shirt with a blue coat, black pants with red shoes with black gloves" the lady describe "sound like him?"

The hair and eyes yes, the glasses also kinda make sense since both my parents wear them

"Yes it does is there anything else you can tell me?" I asked "I don't think he wears that everyday"

"He was with two people, one had light purple hair, purple eyes though one had a blue pupil in it, red jacket with ripped jeans, and the other was a bit taller, they had brown hair in a ponytail, yellow jacket with some black shorts" says the lady

I write this down on my phone "thank you" I say to the lady

I walk away and head back to the hotel

Once I'm there I place down my stuff and look over the descriptions I was given

I know what to look out for

I laid down on my back just reading it over and over again, I was smiling... I was so happy knowing I can finally reunite with my son

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