support class /chp.1\

141 6 33

(Database's pov)

I sighed, lets go see what kids are in this class, I opened the door and walked in

"Hello class" I said walking to my desk to put my stuff down and grab the seating chart

"Hello" said the class

I sighed "I need all of you to get up, I have a seating chart and none of you are in the right seats"

Everyone picked up their stuff and moved to the sides of the room

"Alright, Shizu, the desk in front of mine" I pointed to the seat

"Oh- okay!" They picked up their stuff and sat down

"Alright, Artemis, next to Shizu and Roxy next to Artemis" I said not looking up from my chart

After everyone was at their seats and walked to my desk to put down the paper and walked back in front of the class

I was looking at all the students when my eyes stopped on one, black and white hair, purple eyes with glasses

He looks like Mary's kid, but if he's always been here how did no one find him? Could it be him? God I wish I asked Mary or one of the cops on the case what the kid's name was

I sighed "alright, give me one minute"

I picked up my tickets and was about to pass them out when one of the students piped up "uh- sir I can't see from back here"

I walked over, it was Rikku "and?"

"W-well we were wondering if we could change seats so she could be closer" said Willow

"First hat off" I said and the kid did it "second no you will stay where you are and third off with the eye patch"

"B-but I-I need it" said Rikku

I put my hand on her arm "off" I was able to look through memories.... She didn't need it

"Sir if she needs it she can wear it" said Mario

I walked to the front of the class "I used my quirk which allows me to look through memories, she doesn't need it"

I took the tickets from my pocket and started to pass them out, and like always the kids got upset, Rikku started to cry

I got through explaining support items and respect quickly, it was the first day so I didn't need to say much

I needed to talk to both Shino and Artemis after class, I think I will speak to Artemis first, seems like Shino would be the easier one to get into contact with

Soon the bell rang "alright you all can go"

Everyone started to pick up their stuff when Rikku ran out the room and some students getting their stiff faster to go check on her

"Arte-" "RIKKU!" Before I could even get Artemis to stay back he ran out the room

Shino was about to go after the two "Shino stay back" I said quickly

He sighed and we waited for everyone to leave before speaking about his case which I was on and about reopening it

I wish I could do the same about the other kid... I would say Artemis but I don't even know for sure if it's him, I need some proof before making a fool of myself

I started to wish I used my quirk on him

Once I was down talking to Shino he left, I need to speak to the cops that was on Zack's and Mary's case or hell where Artemis came from, the cops looked for awhile and could find him

I sighed and decided to put it to the side so I could do my lesson plans then go back to this topic... Do I even worry about it? Is it even the same kid? Plus he seems happy where he is...

I will find out first then decide from there, I turned on my laptop and went to work

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