staying over /chp.13\

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(Artemis' pov)

"I know living in the woods is odd so I hope it doesn't freak you out" says my dad opening the door his home

"It's fine, I know some people like to, live out here and stuff" I say

He gives me a smile and we walk in

"Guess I should show you around the place" He says

"It would be nice" I say

We were standing in his living room which connected to the dining room/kitchen, there are no walls separating the two

In the kitchen there is kinda wall? It's the stairs so idk if that counts, there is a door there which leads to his work room

Up the stairs there are two bathrooms and 2 bedrooms and some open space

"This place is lovely" I say

"Why thank you, for the night you could stay in the extra bedroom" He opened the door

I placed down my backpack which just had clothes for the morning, my brush and my tooth brush

After that we hung our downstairs, then ate food before I had to head to bed

I didn't bring any PJs... They wouldn't fit in the back so I grabbed my toothpaste and my tooth brush and headed to the bathroom

Once that was done I put away my stuff and headed off to bed, it was around 8-9, needed to get up early and stuff so I could get back to the dorms early

I had gone off to sleep....

That did last a bit but I woke up at around 12, I got up to go get some water since my throat was kinda dry

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard talking

"I didn't think you would be coming over" said my dad

"Well I did need to check up on you, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't" said the other person

Guess a friend of my dad's came over... I should go back upstairs, don want to be rude

As I went up the stairs I heard something odd

"Do you need anything else for your experiment?" Asked the friend

"Not now Victor, plus I have someone over, don't need to disturb them" says my dad

'victor? I heard that name before' I was too tired to think of where and just went back to my room and went back into bed to sleep

Sneak peek:]

Sneak peek:]

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