his side /chp. 11\

94 4 16

Tw: talks of guns/injuries

(Artemis pov)

"Hello?" I call out closing the door behind me

"ARTY!" Rikku ran over and gave me a hug "we were so worried"

I hugged her back "I-I know I'm so sorry"

"What happened?" Shino asked

"Some guys had me at gun point" I say

"W-WHAT?" Rikku backed up from the hug

"Y-yeah... But i'm fine!" I say

"We should tell a teacher" Shino says

"I mean I know that, its kinda late though" I say looking out the window

"I'll see if I can get Davis to tell Ronin since I know they have a father son relationship" He pulls out his phone to text Davis

"I mean someone did come and save me" I say "and you could never guess who!"

"Was it a pro hero?" Rikku asked

"No, it wasn't" I said "my dad!"

Rikku gasped "YOUR DAD!?"

"Wait really?" Shino asked

"Mhm! I get my black hair and my eye color from him" I say "he was really nice and everything, he gave me his number so we can talk more, he has been hoping to find me too!"

"Where was he?" Rikku asked

"I- uh... My mom put him in jail, even though based on our talk, he wasn't bad she was" I explained

"So like I pinned him for her crimes?" Rikku asked

"Something like that" I say

"Just in case ask him more about that okay?" Shino says worried

"I plan too, I'm just really excited since well this is my first time finding one of them and he gave me a hint at my hands" I said

"Really?" Shino asked

"Guess my mom caused it" I say

"I wonder why" said Rikku

'I don't know" I say

"You have had a long day...well night, you should rest, Davis said he's gonna talk to Ronin" Shino gives me a small smile

Rikku gasps due to having an good idea "SLEEP OVER IN ARTY'S ROOM!"

Both me and Shino laugh "sure" I say

The three of us go to my room, Shino and Rikku make themselves comfortable on my bed as I go downstairs to change into my pjs. Once I was done I headed back upstairs and the three of us went to bed


"Hey" I waved, my dad came and sat down "is it safe for you to be out like this?"

"It's a McDonald's, I believe I'm fine plus a friend of mine works here" he says

"I mean I guess" I say

"Do you like McDonald's?" He asked

"I guess? I've had it once or twice, my friends wanted me to try it" I say

"That's good to hear" he says "so is there anything you wish to speak about?"

I stayed quiet before asking "what did mom do?"

He sighed "I don't know exactly, but you were getting hurt by it, you were always wearing bandages, she would say it was from the park or something like that"

He took out a picture and placed it on the table, I picked it up and looked at it

"I wore them all the time?" I asked

"When I came home from work, then she had this room that was always locked but, I swear I saw her take you in there sometimes" he says

"That's weird" I say

"One day I had enough of it, the lying, knowing she was doing something and I was going to call the cops" he took a deep breath"she put me and you into the room and locked the door or something of the sort"

"What was in the room?" I asked

"A table and pictures, plus papers everywhere, I didn't look around much I was trying to comfort you when the cops came and I tried to get you out, and I did but the cops were on her side and well arrested me, she ran and I was never able to get you" He said

"So you put me outside of the orphanage" I note

"I meant to have you go inside so I could go get you but... She stopped and made me the bad guy" he said

I gave him back the picture of me

"Thanks, it's the only one I have of you" he said giving me a small smile before putting the picture away "I'll see if I can find you more or just pictures and things I was talking about"

"If you wish but... If she is still out there.... That means she never cared to look for me" I noted

"Wish I could answer that, I tried to get into contact to see if she had you but she fell off the face of the earth" he says

"What's her name?" I asked

"Mary" he answers

"Yeah... I don't think I know anything" I sigh

"How about we try to talk about better things?" He suggested

I smiled and said "sure"

We talked for a bit before I had to head back to the dorms

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