who to trust /chp.14\

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(Sapphire's pov)

"Where is she?" Asked Kiyo

"No clue" I say

We were gonna have this talk with the teachers yesterday but they were in meetings so we had to wait for today, it is the afternoon right now

"I'm here!" Marie- Mary shouted running over. Once she got to use she had to take a breather

"Ready?" I asked

"Yes" she says

The three of us walk into the school and make our way to the teachers lounge

"So artemis goes here?" She asks, looking around

"Yeah, he is in my class" Kiyo says

"Oh that's wonderful" she says

"And we are here" I say opening the door

"Ah- seems like they made it' Database says, sitting on my couch one leg over the other

"Welcome" Avain says

"Uh- I.. we have someone who would like to speak to you all" I say and me and Kiyo step out of the way for Mary to come in

Database uncrosses his leg and stands up "MARY?"

"You're the one that took the call" she says

"Yeah, what happened? I haven't seen you since Artemis was taken from you" he says

"Just around, but funny enough I am here to talk about Artemis" she says

"I feel like we are missing somethings" says Ronin from his desk

Venus takes a sip from their tea "I have an idea what this is about"

"I will catch you all up on it later" says Database

"Listen, I heard that Artemis may be getting the story of what happened wrong" says Mary

"What do you mean? He doesn't even remember and no one here knows" Database says confused

"Well, its not from here he is learning it from" I laugh nervously

"What?' asks database

"Something about his dad telling him" Kiyo said

"He has been speaking to him? Or a friend of his?" Database asked

"Uh- dad?" I say looking at Kiyo for confirmation

"Yeah, he they talk like in public places Zack has friends in" Kiyo says

"Fuck..." Database says under his breath

"Yeahhhh" I say

Database looks at Avain "I'm going to go to the police station and tell them that Zack is walking around"

Avain nods "right, me, Venus and Ronin will take it from here"

Database leaves the room very pissed

"So we should call Artemis here huh?" Venus asks

"Please" says Mary

"Mary, it will be hard to speak to him and stuff, he thinks you're a bad person" I say

"I have proof" she says holding up her bag "I never take it out of here"

"Right, I'll inform him to come" Ronin looks at his computer to send Artemis a email

Now the wait begins, we just talked and walked around the room until we saw the door knob move

Soon the door is pushed open and Artemis walks in

"Sapphire? Kiyo? What's going on?" He asks looking around the room

"Artemis" said Mary looking at Artemis just in shock to see him in front of her

"Uhm- hi?" Artemis waves

Avain takes a deep breath snd gets off the couch "Artemis, this is your mother... Please stay calm"

Once Artemis heard that he took a few steps back, both me and Kiyo went kinda behind him just in cause he needed comfort

"Why is she here?" Artemis asked, he was kinda shacking

"It turns out some change of events have happened" said Ronin

"I heard you have been speaking to Zack" Mary says

"W-what about it?" Artemis asked

"He isn't a good man" says Mary

Artemis looks away from her "how am I meant to believe that? He has treated me so well"

"He did horrible things to you" said Mary and she looked at Artemis' arms "look at what he did"

Artemis put his arms to his chest "h-he said you did this"

"Does he have proof?" Asked Venus

"He has pictures of me when I was small but that's about it" he says

"Let her show you want she has" I say with Kiyo nodded

Mary digged into her purse and now had a shocked expression "I- its all gone"

Pieces of it was in her purse some looked torn, others looked burned

"B-but you can see I have things" She said

"I- uh" Artemis didn't know what to say

"I have been looking for you" she says

"You, a huge fashion designer have been looking for me?" He asked

"Ah- you know me as Marie, my real name is Mary" she says

"I...uh" He looked at us confused

"I have this picture of us a the park" Mary holds it up for him to see "but I'm guessing Zack has something like that too"

Artemis took in a deep breath "I want to believe you, you seem nice but so does he, you both kinda have the same amount of proof.... I- I need to process this"

Artemis turns to the door "want us to walk with you?" Askes Kiyo

"Sure.... Though it will be a quiet walk" he says walking out the door

We both follow "I know but we are orphan squad! We stick together!" I say

He gives a small smile and the three of us walk back to Artemis' dorm

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