You've got to believe me!

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Harumi was leaning against one of the hanger bay's walls with her arms crossed as the ninja team arrived back from their mission. As they hopped out of their vehicles Harumi walked up to Lloyd. "Lloyd can we talk?" Harumi asked her boyfriend.
Lloyd nodded at the others to go on with out him and Jay, Nya, Kai, and Cole started to walk to the elevator. P.I.X.A.L got out of her mech and Zane pulled her in for a kiss. Zane's eyes were closed but both Lloyd and Harumi noticed that P.I.X.A.L looked uncomfortable but acted like she enjoyed the kiss right before Zane opened his ice blue eyes to meet her lime green eyes.
Zane happily sighed. "I know I've told you this before but you have the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen."
"Thank you Zane." P.I.X.A.L replied.
As the two nindroids left to join the others Harumi turned to Lloyd. "You saw that too right?"
"Yeah it was weird I'll admit."
"That's what I wanted to tell you about. I think something is up with Pix."
Lloyd looked confused but then was worried when he saw genuine concern in his girlfriend's eyes. "What makes you think that? Besides the kiss I mean."
"He fighting style is off, she's distant with all of us, she's been sleeping in, and she is suddenly more violent!" Harumi sighed. "I'm worried about her Lloyd. But they still hate me. They aren't going to listen to me!"
Lloyd pulled Harumi in for a hug. "But they'll listen to me. I'll call a team meeting to discuss it."
"Thank you."

Lloyd, Jay, Nya, Kai, Cole, Zane, and who they thought was P.I.X.A.L where sitting down in a circle.
"Why did you call a team meeting Lloyd?" Zane asked.
"Because Harumi pointed something out to me and now we are both concerned." Lloyd replied.
Nya roles her eyes. "You shouldn't trust her Lloyd, let alone be dating her."
Lloyd looked at Nya dead in the eyes. "Nya, I understand that you don't approve of me and Rumi being a couple, but can't you accept the fact that she's changed and that she makes me happy?"
Cole intervened. "Let's stop fighting and get to the point."
"P.I.X.A.L, you've been acting strange lately." Lloyd noticed Zane's facial expression shift from concerned to offended.
The master of ice wrapped his arm around the samurai's waist protectively. "How so?" He scowled.
"We've noticed that her fighting style has changed."
"That's it?" Kai asked.
"And that she is more distant from the team lately."
"Okay..." Cole said skeptically.
"As well as her sleeping in."
"Sleep is important even for nindroids bud." Jay chimed in.
"But that's unlike her to do so."
"Maybe she's just tired lately!" Nya said angry about the way her best friend was being persecuted for acting differently.
"And she's been acting more violent, she usually tries to find a peaceful solution first but now she is just rushing to fight."
Zane had had it with this conversation. He rose to his feet. "Enough! Maybe instead of listing minor things that you see as concerns, you could ask the woman herself!"
Everyone turned to P.I.X.A.L. Proto had to think of an excuse for her behavior and fast. Since she was the one who was catching on to her, she'd pull a Harumi and use lie to make it seem like she was the victim. She broke down crying. "I've just been stressed."
Zane and Nya ran to her side. Nya pulled her in for a hug while Zane placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "P.I.X.A.L, my love are you alright?"
Proto rested her head on Zane's shoulder. "I just learned that I have 15 sisters and the last remaining one wants me dead!"

P.I.X.A.L was rocking the chair that she was tied to back and forth. The Mechanic was out getting supplies for a couple minutes. She pushed the chair down by kicking her legs. The back of the chair broke, her hands where free. She untied her legs and got to her feet. "If it turns out that Proto did anything intimate with Zane I will make sure she has a bad time."

Harumi heard crying and arguing coming from the meeting room. She walked over to the door.

P.I.X.A.L was sobbing, Zane was protectively cradling his girlfriend in his arms, Nya had her hand on P.I.X.A.L's shoulder while yelling at Lloyd, Kai was trying to see things from  Lloyd's perspective as he loved him like a brother, Jay was trying to calm Nya down, Cole had left to get Master Wu, and Lloyd was in shock at how fast things had escalated. The door had opened but Cole and Master Wu weren't there. It was a concerned Harumi. She saw P.I.X.A.L in tears. "Pix, are you alright?" She asked her friend.
"You!" Nya yelled. She was usually calmer than her hot headed brother, but get her angry enough and she was filled with enough rage to rival Kai's. She stood up and walked up to Harumi. "I'm done tolerating you in my damn home!"
"Nya! Stop!" Lloyd shouted.
"You take advantage of Lloyd's feelings, you bring back Lord Garmadon who imprisoned a large part of the resistance and kills Mystake, you help create the Crystal Conical, blow up the monastery, and then move in and have the nerve to say you love Lloyd and now your trying to turn us all against each other by persecuting my best friend!"
Harumi looked at the ground in shame. "I know I messed up but I'm trying to change!" She then looked Nya in the eyes. "And I do love Lloyd! And I'm only worried about Pix! She's my friend too!"
"You don't deserve ether of them!" Nya was now right in Harumi's face. Her brown eyes staring into Harumi's green ones.
"I know! But I'm still worried about Pix I never meant to make her cry!" Harumi was interrupted by Nya's fist slamming into her stomach, knocking her to the ground. Nya screamed in anger as she jumped onto Harumi and started to punch and kick her in blind rage.
"Nya please!" Jay tried to get his yang to stop but she didn't.
Lloyd yelled. "Rumi! Please fight back!"
Harumi remembered the day she and P.I.X.A.L became friends.

The Sister of P.I.X.A.L BorgWhere stories live. Discover now