An Unlikely Alliance

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"Nindroids?" Proto15 asked confused.
The Mechanic face palmed and explained it to her. "Nindroid is short for ninja droids. Highly intelligent androids that are good at fighting! Zane, P.I.X.A.L, Mr.E, Mr.F, I feel like I'm missing someone a rusted busted version of Zane or something, and whole army of them!" He paused and looked at Proto15, examining her. "And you, your a nindroid!"
She sighed. "I have no fighting abilities."
The Mechanic came running at her with a knife that came out of his robotic hand. Instinctively, a curved blade came out of her lower arm and she blocked his attack. The Mechanic smirked at her.
"Okay so I have self defense abilities but I'm not meant to fight."
"Neither was P.I.X.A.L, but that doesn't seem to stop her." He put his hand on her shoulder. "Now, you said you had their blueprints?"
"Yes, but what do I have to gain from showing you them?"
The Mechanic laughed. "The real question is what don't you have to gain? I want Zane dead and you want both him and his girlfriend dead! If we work together we both get revenge and crime will be so much easier to get away with when there is one less power couple in Ninjago City!"
Proto15 thought about it. This guy knew a lot about the ninja and her sister, as well as being able to fill her in on what happened when she was powered down... "You have a deal if you teach me how to fight and fill me in on what happed in the last nine years."
"Deal!" He said as he gestured to a computer with a usb drive.
Proto15 walked over to it and showed the blueprints to the Mechanic.
"By the way, I never got your name."
She would have said Proto15 but she was the only prototype of P.I.X.A.L left. "I'm Proto."
"Well Proto, you and me are going to wipe those two nindroids off the face of the earth!"
Proto smiled, but it was unlike any of her previous smiles. This one was full of malice. "And we're going to make it hurt!"

The Sister of P.I.X.A.L BorgWhere stories live. Discover now