I hope you die in a Fire

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Author's Note: This chapter contains some robot gore! No blood or guts just wires and metal! Also this chapter was heavily inspired by two songs! Hero and Villain Duet by Natlie Chavez and I hope you die in a Fire by The Living Tombstone! Some lyrics are used in this chapter! Enjoy!

P.I.X.A.L looked up at the elevated platform that Proto stood on. "Can we talk about this like the civil nindroids that we are?" She said as her sister looked down at her and Zane.
"What is there to even talk about? Borg replaced me with you! And our sisters are gone because of-"
Zane interrupted her. "I understand your frustration but why take it out on P.I.X.A.L? She wasn't even alive when all this happened!"
"Don't you interrupt her you pile of scarp!" The mechanic said while pouring out a nearly empty container of gasoline before throwing it into a large pile of even more empty gasoline containers and holding up his robot arm that was now a flamethrower in the air.
Zane and P.I.X.A.L looked horrified at their situation and P.I.X.A.L spun around to face her sister. "Proto have you lost your damn mind?! Why the hell did you think arson would be a good idea!"
"Because it will get rid of you two!" Proto turned to her sister. "Also because I hope you die in a fire!" She nodded at the Mechanic who then lowered his flamethrower to the gasoline and in a heartbeat the flames began to rapidly spread around them. Proto pulled out single match and strikes it. She flicks it at Zane and P.I.X.A.L who had now realized that they were standing in a puddle of gasoline. Zane and P.I.X.A.L rushed out of the way just in time as a large open flame caught the left pant leg of Zane's gi on fire.
"Zane your leg!" P.I.X.A.L shouted.
Zane quickly put out the fire and turned around just in time to get whacked in the face by the Mechanic. The two started to fight and Proto leaped off of the platform and landed right behind her sister. Proto brought her arm close to her chest and then violently swung it outwards as her hand retracted and a long blade took it's place. P.I.X.A.L glared at Proto through her helmet and reached behind her back to pull out one of her katanas. The two sisters ran at each other and the sound of their swords clashing against each other soon joined the sounds of Zane and the Mechanic's fight as well as the cracking of the flames. As the two sisters fought P.I.X.A.L remembered Borg's words about she and Proto both being his daughters and began to try and reason with her.
"Proto, you don't have to do this! Borg loves us both!"
"There you go again! Pretending like you love me!"
"I'm not pretending! Just let me help you!"
Proto scoffed. "You think you're a hero! And they'll tell you are so stoic and stunning! And that you've come so far!"
P.I.X.A.L could already tell that Proto had no intention on actually having a conversation but she still tried. "You think you're a villain, but I know you're not! Under all that angst and anger is a-"
Proto interrupted her. "A dying, broken heart!" She starred at the samurai that she was fighting with rage filled eyes. "What about our sisters?"
"I'm sorry!"
"What about the monsters that prevailed because you and the ninja failed?"
Zane and P.I.X.A.L both spoke this time. "We're sorry!"
"You never came to save their world! And what about me?"
P.I.X.A.L interrupted Proto. "What about us?" Proto starred in shock and disgust as her sister went on. "I recognize that you're upset! I know Borg did you wrong!"
"Oh you know nothing of me!"
P.I.X.A.L thought about what Harumi had told her in private. "Trust me! Please believe me! This won't stop the hurt for long! We don't need to end like this! Look me in the eyes!"
"Here comes the hero complex! So your back at it again, twisting and manipulating every word I've said!"
"Come on, you know that's not true! I'm just trying to help you! Let me help you!"
"You are not my hero! You don't know l felt! What else could you do with the cards that I've been dealt?"
"You are not the villain! You once held Borg's hand!"
"Well sometimes things don't go as planed!" Proto said while pinning her sister down.
Zane was now in a broken form. His right ankle was twisted, part of his gi was brunt off reveling a dented side of his chest, he was covered in ash and one of his hands had some of the Mechanic's blood on his knuckles. Zane pushed the Mechanic to the side and even with his twisted ankle rushed to help his lover. He limped over and shoved Proto off of P.I.X.A.L, Proto landed on the concrete floor with a loud thud. Her mechanical parts clicked, sounding like she broke some bones.
"You know what tin can, I'll say it, I really hate you! Stop getting in my way!" The Mechanic said while standing behind Zane, bruised and a little bloody as well as holding a large steel pipe over his head, aiming at the back of Zane's head, right where his neural drive would be.
"Zane, look out!" P.I.X.A.L shouted, but it was too late. Zane spun around to got hit in the forehead, causing a rather large dent as Zane fell to the floor unconscious.
The Mechanic grinned and picked the unconscious nindroid up. "Time to throw you out just like my broken TV!" The Mechanic threw him to the side. Fire blocked P.I.X.A.L from being able to get to him.

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