Right out of the Air

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"What did you have in mind Mechanic?"
The Mechanic turned to face Proto and smiled at her. "When are ninja around the most?"
Proto thought for a bit. "When there's a threat." She came to a realization and smiled at him. "We create the danger to lure them in!"
"You know anyone who would be easy to put in danger without knowing we tricked them?"
"Have you ever been to a bar?"
Proto sighed. "I told you I was powered down for nearly a decade! I've never had the chance to do anything outside of Borg Tower!"
The Mechanic rummaged through a box. "Well get ready, because we're going to Laughy's Karaoke Bar!"
As one of the Mechanic's henchmen drove them to the bar they went over the plan.
"Remember, we are going to get in, make small talk with Dareth, lure him into a false sense of security, and then strike!" The Mechanic said as he straightened the bow tie on his tuxedo.
Proto smoothed out her long dark purple dress and put her long hair into a bun. "I know, and then we use him as bait."
"We're here!" As the Mechanic stepped out of the car he turned around to see the nindroid struggle to step out on her heels. "You can wear flats if you want."
"Oh thank the First Spinjitzu Master!" Proto exclaimed as she quickly threw off her heels and put on flat shoes. As the two walked into the bar they sat down at the drink bar.
"My name's Tony! I'm the bartender here. What can I get you two?" The bartender kindly asked.
"I'll have a butterscotch boba tea. And she'll have." The Mechanic looked at Proto as if asking her what she wanted to drink.
"Nothing, I'll have nothing thanks."
As Tony went to make the drink Proto whispered in her accomplice's ear. "I'm a nindroid I can't drink or eat."
"I saw Zane and P.I.X.A.L could so I assumed the same." He tapped Proto's shoulder and pointed to a chubby man wearing a brown gi with slick fluffed up hair. "That's him."
"How are we going to get him?"
"He's very gullible."
Proto got up and walked over to Dareth. "Sir, I'd like to speak to you alone about something."
"Sure, the brown ninja always has time for his fans!"
"Thank you!" She smiled. She lead him out to the alleyway. On her way out the door, Proto looked back at the Mechanic and winked at him before going out of the bar. The Mechanic soon followed after.
"So what did you want to talk abou-"
Dareth was cut off as the Mechanic whacked him over the head with his metal hand, knocking him unconscious.
Proto slowly revealed a damp rag from her pocket. "I was going to use this chloroform on him but that works too."
The car pulled up and they stuffed Dareth in the trunk.

Back with the ninja they saw a news report.
"I'm Gayle Gossip with NGTV News and we are getting reports that the owner of Laughy's Karaoke Club is in danger!" She seemed annoyed at the cameraman. "Vinny! Film the poor man! We don't pay you to not film the news!" The camera showed Dareth hanging upside down by his leg, dangling there.
"A little help here?"
P.I.X.A.L turned to MiniPix Seven. "Get my mech ready." The adorable helper chirped happily. P.I.X.A.L leaped into her mech and activated the thrusters. And rushed to save the poor man.

Back with Proto and Mechanic the two smiled as they saw the Samurai X mech flying towards them.
"You got the launcher?" Proto smiled.
"You know it!" He handed a missile launcher to the nindroid and she started to set it up.

P.I.X.A.L cut the rope tied to Dareth's leg and caught him with the mech's hand and lowered him to safety. As the crowd cheered Pix made the mech wave at them and spoke to Zane using the intercom.
"Dareth is safe and sound, I am coming home."

"Ready." The Mechanic whispered to Proto.

"That's wonderful! I'll see you at the monastery!" Zane replied.

"Aim." Proto said while aiming at the mech's thrusters.

"I heard the mailman managed to get all of Harumi's letters down those stairs. That's a relief!" P.I.X.A.L giggled imagining the mailman caring all those letters down the long stairs to the monastery.

"Fire!" The Mechanic smiled as Proto pulled the trigger. But Proto's smile was even wider when she saw the missile hit her sister's mech.

Warning! Thruster Critically Damaged! Danger!

The mech shook violently, startling P.I.X.A.L. "What was that?!"
"P.I.X.A.L! Do you copy?!"
"Zane! I copy!"
"We are watching the news and it looks like something hit you!"
P.I.X.A.L heard Harumi gasp in the background followed by Nya's voice interrupting Zane. "Pix, look out! Another one is coming!" But it was too late. The mech violently shook again.

Warning! Thruster failure! Unable to remain airborne! Danger!

The mech started to fall out of the sky. P.I.X.A.L tried her best to get the mech's thrusters working again but to no avail.
"Get out of the mech!" A familiar voice was in her head.
"Skylor? Is that you?"
"Yes, now trust me and jump out of the mech! I can't lift the whole mech but I can lift you!"
P.I.X.A.L released the safety harness keeping her in place and opened the mech's hatch all the while, the mech was getting closer and closer to the ground. She jumped out of the mech and was soon levitated in the air. Skylor smiled at her as she gently lowered the nindroid to the ground. The mech however was not so lucky. As it came down with a load thud.
"You alright?"
"I am fine."
The Destiny's Bounty could be seen above and the ninja came down some ropes, with Zane barreling towards P.I.X.A.L and scoping her up into his embrace.
"Are you okay?! Your not injured are you? We saw you falling out of the sky and came as fast as we could!"
She put her hand on her worried boyfriend's cheek. "Zane! I'm fine!"
"I was only worried that's all!"
The samurai sighed and smiled softly at the titanium ninja. "I know, it means you care." She said as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"We failed again didn't we?" Proto asked with her face in her hand.
The Mechanic pulled out some binoculars. "Well, Lloyd and Cole are on the Bounty,  Jay is helping Nya load the broken mech onto the Bounty, Kai and Skylor are flirting with each other, and your sister is still very much alive. So yeah, I'd say we failed."
"Maybe we've been looking at this the wrong way."
The Mechanic turned to look at Proto, who still had her back turned. "How so?"
"We keep failing because someone stops us. We need to separate them."
"How? Get a hostage that both nindroids would be worried about?" He joked.
"Or a hostage that lures in one of them and use then use the first nindroid as bait for the other." Proto turned around with a malicious grin on her face. "It's time to pay my dear old dad a visit."

The Sister of P.I.X.A.L BorgWhere stories live. Discover now