25 - secrets

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The power system was like huge, it took up nearly the whole room. Jungkook took you over to it and right now, it just looked like a huge piece of metal with loads of different parts, not really powerful enough to control the whole country.
'Cast your arm, Y/N'  Jungkook demanded.
'I don't wanna'  You groaned.
'Do it!' He spat.
Sighing, you cast your arm and the whole thing lit up, all different buttons glowing different colours.

The buzz noise it made as it powered on startled you, but then it stopped and everything just stood still. Jungkook let go of you finally and you stepped well away, trying to avoid him. He slammed his fist down on a huge red button and a screen lit up, a HUGE screen, showing CCTV footage from literally everywhere. Towns, cities, shops, houses, EVERYWHERE. He started chuckling to himself, then evilly laughing. You stared at him, then remembered your bracelets were green. Slowly, you made your way over to the door, ready to cast it open.

You thought all his attention was focused on the system, when really it wasn't. The bracelets flashed red and you turned around to see Jungkook stood away from the system and just staring at you, tapping his foot on the metal floor.
'Come here, Y/N'  He asked.
'Why..?'  You sighed.
'There's no way out, so you might aswell just come back'  He smirked.
Hesitantly, you started slowly stepping towards him. You were just gonna walk past him but then you saw the remote sticking out his pocket.

Your pace slowed down as you were about to go past him. Staring at the remote, you thought fuck it. You immediately leapt out at him for the remote, trying to get it out his pocket. He snatched it quite easily and stared at you with a smug look.
'I didn't want to do this but you've given me no other choice'  Jungkook pouted.
He suddenly reached out to grab your arms and when he did, you felt his leg snake around yours, making you fall onto the ground.
'What are you doing?!'  You screamed, trying to kick him away.
'There's no point resisting!'  He shouted.

Suddenly, you were flipped onto your stomach and you tried to get back up but Jungkook held you down like there was no tomorrow.
'GET OFF!'  You yelled.
He suddenly got your wrists and held them behind your back in place as he reached for his pocket. The sudden burn of rope being tied around your wrists immediately sparked a fight response, but you couldn't do anything. Jungkook secured it tightly before finally standing up again. Grabbing your sleeve, he pulled you off the floor and over to the system.

He then walked over to the system and pulled a lever. On the screen showed cctv footage from all over the capital city, he was planning something bad and you knew it.
'You must be wondering what I'm doing'  Jungkook suddenly spoke.
He stared back over his shoulder at you, but you looked away. He chuckled before carrying on.
'This whole country will soon bow down to me as their leader, Y/N'  He began.
'Leader?'  You replied.

'You heard me, I will be this country's king!'  He cried.
'What are you talking about?!'  You shouted.
'Get up here and see for yourself'  Jungkook said.
You got up and walked over to the machine, his hand hovered over a huge blue switch.
'When I press this switch, every single person will be under my control'  He added.
'Every single person, really?'  You asked.
Jungkook looked at you, then back at the machine, his head tilted.
'Not necessarily'.

'What do you mean?'  You said, skeptical.
'You won't be'  He replied.
'I thought that was obvious'  You said.
'It is, but you don't know why'  Jungkook muttered.
'Then tell me'  You asked.
He stared down at the floor, then back up at you before turning to face you.
'You really wanna know?'  He asked.
You nodded your head, and a smug look spread on his face.

'Your parents, you don't really know them, do you?'  Jungkook asked.
'Uh, no, barely'  You mumbled.
'Never really met them either have you?'  He added.
'No, they stopped being around when I was just a baby'  You sighed.
'Well, I know what happened to them'  He said.
You stared up at him, your eyes wide.
'You do?'  You asked.
'Before I say, you have never met any of your family for that matter?'  He asked.
'I haven't, no siblings or cousins, grandparents'  You muttered. 'But why does this matter?'.

'Your whole family was killed'  He announced.
Upon hearing this your stomach dropped and you felt yourself shake.
'Killed?! By who?!'  You cried.
'A bomb was dropped onto the house when your whole family was visiting, killing everyone immediately'  He explained quite casually.
'W-what?! No, why a bomb, who, what?!'  You stuttered. 'Why have I never heard about this?!'
'It was covered up quite quickly, never publicised'  He replied.
'Who dropped the fucking bomb?!'  You screamed.

'Let's just say it was a little "on-purpose"  plan'  He smirked.
'Why are you smirking?! What do you mean on purpose?!'  You shouted, angry tears falling down from your eyes.
'Oh, Y/N'  He grabbed your face and wiped away the tears.  'We did'.
You pulled away.
'The government did, they had too, for the safety of everyone'  Jungkook said.
'Safety, really?!'  You shouted, laughing almost.
'Why's my family so dangerous you people had to murder them off?!'

'Well, a certain someone had been born and there was absolute evidence she was gonna get powers which could be a danger to everyone if she ever discovered them'  Jungkook explained.
You froze.
'You mean, this happened-'
'On your birthday, or just the day after'  He interrupted.
'So, they were trying to kill me?'  You said, feeling sick.
Jungkook nodded his head.

'But, how did I survive and how do you know all this?!'  You asked, becoming frantic.
He chuckled before answering, he leaned over and got down in your face.
'I was there'.
'Oh really?! Tell me then, how were you there?!'  You screamed.
'I was 11 years old at the time and my mother and father had told me to take the new beautiful baby girl on a walk outside, so you' He began.
'I remember putting you in your little pram then walking into the town, you were asleep and clutching onto your little blanket, I stared at you, smiling at that little face'.

'But that's when it happened, a huge blast and explosion, I remember it bursting my ears and I turned around and saw the house had gone up in flames and was nothing but a pile of rubble and ash... You immediately woke up and started crying. I picked you up and tried to shush you and calm you, but you weren't having it. I was only a curious young boy, so I ran to the house to see police, ambulances and everyone there, still holding you'

'So, were you just a family friend or something visiting me who took me on a walk but unknowingly survived?'  You groaned.
'Oh no, Y/N, far from that'  He said.
Suddenly, the atmosphere turned eerie and you felt sick.
'Why were you there then, this makes no sense, who are you, Jungkook?'  You stuttered.
He just chuckled and smirked at you.
'My mother and father are dead. They died in the bomb explosion, so did my whole family. Except my only sister.'  He said.

Instantly, you felt lightheaded and trembled.
'Y-you can't be!'  You stuttered
'That's right Y/N, I'm your older brother'  Jungkook annouced, smirking down at you.

Head of the Lab - a jungkook fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz