Chapter 9 - Sadistic Bastard

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure?" Zhuo Zhi replied, with ease. "Because 'A-Yan' over there," he pointed, "will be disappointed if you don't. He's been wanting you to drink his juice."

He won, and he knew it. There was no doubt in Zhihao's mind that Zhuo Zhi had remembered the admiration and appreciation the girl had openly showed to A-Yan, the first time she met the team. He had probably planned this since after the first time Zhihao visited the team.

Zhihao looked at the other tennis team members, who were eagerly watching the spectacle, unsurprisingly, before her eyes landed on A-Yan.

The man adjusted his glasses, but didn't say anything to disprove Zhuo Zhi's words.

Curse her past self for being so excited to greet the famous A-Yan.

Zhihao sighed in defeat, warily glancing at the glass of juice as her confidence slowly seeped out.

Seconds passed as Zhuo Zhi strummed his fingers along the table, waiting.

Zhihao took a few deep breaths, gathering as much courage as possible, and then after a few moments, she snatched the glass from Zhuo Zhi's hand.

Before she lost the courage, she took a big swig from it, throwing her head back with force.

As soon as the neon green liquid hit her tastebuds, Zhihao gagged, causing a bit of the juice to trickle down her chin.

And then an intense wave of sheer bitterness (and a hint of tanginess as Zhuo Zhi had said, not that Zhihao would ever admit that the man was right now) washed over her, completely overtaking her senses.

"I hate you" was the last thing Zhihao remembered saying to a highly amused Zhuo Zhi before she blacked out, head slumping over the table.


Rubbing her eyes groggily, Zhihao groaned and propped herself on her elbows. "Where am I?"

"Oh? Was your blackout so bad that you've temporarily gotten amnesia?" Zhuo Zhi grinned at Zhihao's state.

Zhihao pulled a face as soon as she heard the man's voice. "Don't talk to me."

Zhuo Zhi mockingly pouted a bit before a satisfied smile spread across his face again. Of course you would find joy in my suffering, you sadist, Zhihao thought bitterly.

The sound of Zhihao's gravely voice caught the attention of her brother.

"Well don't you look like absolute death!" Jiale cheerfully skipped over to Zhihao and Zhuo Zhi's table. Of course Jiale is happy at my distress too.

"Sucks doesn't it, jiě? Don't worry, the juice gets better with time and practice!" Jiale patted his sister's shoulder twice. (sister, elder)

Dachi quickly followed in Jiale's steps, wasting no time in walking over to check on the girl.

"Zhihao, you're awake! How do you feel? Here, this will make you feel better." Dachi shoved a water bottle into Zhihao's hands.

Zhihao gratefully smiled at Dachi's mother-henning. "Dachi, have I ever mentioned how much I love and appreciate you?"

The corners of Dachi's mouth lifted up at Zhihao's words, clearly touched. "Drink up, okay? Make sure you drink a lot of water, that was a long blackout."

Zhihao furrowed her brows. "Wait how long was I out for?"

Zhuo Zhi snickered. "Long enough for practice to end 15 minutes ago."

Zhihao half-heartedly glared at the smug man. Well that explained why everyone was gone. "Why are you still here then?"

Zhuo Zhi shrugged, casting a neutral mask over his face once again. "Someone had to watch over you while Jiale and Dayong were flirting," he replied coolly.

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