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The delicate balance maintained between the Emperor Star official and the rebel army was suddenly broken by a piece of news—

the Zerg god of war, General Celtic, fell.

This news was spread on the star network. At first, everyone didn't believe it. Later, a video of Celtic landing on 87 stars and finally 87 stars being bombed was circulated. Everyone had to believe it.

The Red Sea galaxy group has been coveting them. The Zerg can be said to be a natural moat that blocks powerful enemies. The Celtic general is the backbone of the natural moat. Now that the backbone is broken, how can we not make everyone panic.

Even the Zerg has been defeated, do they still have the strength to resist?

There is no video of Celtic landing on the 87th star in the video. Everyone doesn't know what caused this result, and the unknown makes them even more panicked.

And the Zerg side also began to really mess up, and the official and rebel forces that had been stalemate for many days began to clash.

It was the rebel army who tried it first, and the officials were no longer silent, and a large number of troops were dispatched to suppress and suppress it.

Small-scale wars started everywhere in Emperor Star.

However, the area where Xie Ruan is located is the most dignitary gathering area on the Emperor Star near the Imperial City, and it is also the safest place on the Emperor Star besides the Imperial City.

Xie Ruan was well protected, even though it was so chaotic outside, he still didn't feel any different from usual.

But this has a lot to do with him not going out.

No, there is still a little difference, he found that the fans in his live broadcast room have been particularly "sticky" in recent days.

He was not allowed to download the broadcast, but he was also bored, so he followed suit.

Except for exercising, walking the dog, eating, drinking and drinking, the rest of the day is actually occupied by fans, and the fans usually let him go when his eyes are half-closed.

He fell asleep every time it was played.

Such a fulfilling life made him temporarily have no energy to think about it.

It's a pity that this kind of life didn't last long, because the government actually showed signs of decline!

If the rebel army had the help of God, they could predict the official plan every time. They were like a broken bamboo, and the official retreated steadily. Soon, they were attacked by the rebel army to the foot of the imperial city. That is to say, the area where Xie Ruan lived was captured by the rebel army. Surrounded.

No one expected that the official would lose so quickly.

"What should I do?!"

Xie Ruan panicked, and he was afraid that he didn't know what to do. He had never encountered such a situation, and he couldn't understand why he was beaten to the door today when he was fine yesterday. .

Bert and Kenny stood beside Xie Ruan with their guards.

They didn't know how to comfort Xie Ruan, the situation of the battle changed so fast, they were trapped before they even had time to send Xie Ruan away.

Wife, wife... Huh...

Xie Ruan didn't do anything this day, hugged the mop and huddled under the bed, dialing the communication number that couldn't get through with his brain over and over again.

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