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Ok, so first things first. Thank you so much for over 600 reads!! I can't believe all you lovely people like my story that much.

Second, like I said, my birthday is this weekend, so I'll hopefully do a birthday special, idk.

I also am having trouble coming up with ideas for chapters, so suggestions would help a lot. I'm always open to new ideas.

Also, I'm going to change some things in my writing because I'm having trouble with Wattpad and the fonts, I just thought I'd let you know. Don't worry. The story will still be the same.

Another thing school is starting soon, and since I'm homeschooled, I start sooner, it might take longer for me to release chapters. I am, however, going to try and make them longer, like 1000 words minimum.

Also, I have been dragged into the amazing Criminal Minds Fandom, and oh my God, SPENCER REID 😍!!

*clears throat* Anyway, I am currently on season 3, so that pays into the factor that I'm not updating as much... BUT the good news is I might do a Criminal Minds story. Let me know if you have any suggestions plz.

Anyway, that's all. Have a badass rest of your day. Love you, my little nuggets 😊💚

Word count: 156

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