Chapter 6: Meeting again

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A/n: Y/f/d means your/favorite/drink.

Y/n's POV (Y/n's house)

One and a half months later.


I was dancing around my kitchen, my hair flying free in it's natural state, as I listened to my favorite playlist on Spotify

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I was dancing around my kitchen, my hair flying free in it's natural state, as I listened to my favorite playlist on Spotify.

I had just put a batch of brownies in and I was so excited for them. It had been a little over a month since I had last seen the Winchester boys. Sam and I kept in contact, I oddly enough didn't have Dean's number so I haven't heard from him.

Anyway I was dancing when all of a sudden my phone started ringing. I let out a huff as I moved to it. Without looking at who it was I picked up.

"What?" I asked. You could hear the irritation in my voice.

The person on the other end chuckled. A very familiar chuckle. "Wow, that's not a very nice way of answering the phone."

A warm smile crept on my face, "Hello Dean." I said.

You could hear the smile in his voice as he said, "Hey, how you doin?" He asked with a sly tone.

I chuckled, "I'm good. How about you?" I asked as I took a drink of my Y/f/d.

"Oh ya know, the usual." He said, then there was the sound of another voice. "Give me the phone." Then Dean said, "What? Why?" "Because, Dean, you're taking too long." "Just trying to ease my way into the conversation." "Yeah, well you're taking too long."

There was a moment of silence before the sound of wrestling sounded over the phone.

After a few seconds of that, I heard Sam's voice. "Hey Y/n" he panted out. I let out a chuckle as I pulled my brownies out of the oven.

"Hey Sam, what's up?" I asked.

"Well, we're on a hunt and we kinda need your help." He said.

"Ok. What can I do?" I asked as he took a bite of my brownie. "Ow, that's hot" I said to myself.

"Well... Would it be ok if we meet up?" He asked hesitantly.

I stopped in my tracks. They wanted me to meet up with them while on a hunt. That could only mean one thing...

After a few moments of silence he finally said, "Please Y/n? You know we wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

I let out a sigh, "Fine. Where?"


This is the gun, you choose which one

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This is the gun, you choose which one

I pulled up to the location Sam had told me to meet them at, on my bike

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I pulled up to the location Sam had told me to meet them at, on my bike.

I pulled up to the location Sam had told me to meet them at, on my bike

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I saw the familiar Chevy Impala parked on the side of the empty road. I pulled up in front of the car and took off my matching helmet.

I climbed off my bike and turned to the boys with a smile. "Hello boys." I said.

Sam looked at me with a smile as he walked towards me opening his arms for a hug. I of course accepted his hug as he pulled in me tight.

I pulled away with a smile as I turned to look at Dean to see him looking me up and down with a smirk on his face.

"Am I gonna get a hug or what?" I asked, acting offended. He chuckled as he walked to me pulling me into a hug.

He smelled amazing. Like cologne, leather, with a hint of whiskey and gun powder. The hug lasted a little longer than intended.

I reluctantly pulled away from the hug as I smiled up at him.

"How ya doin Y/n?" Sam asked interrupting mine and Dean's little moment.

"I'm good," I said then I remembered something, "oh I almost forgot u brought something." I told them as I walked back to my bike.

I pulled up the seat to reveal a medium sized compartment. "I brought brownies!" I said excitedly as I pulled out a container of said brownies.

Dean gasped in shock and happiness as he pulled his hands back out of his pockets. As I walked back towards them, he reached for the brownies with a smile on his face.

"You didn't have to do that Y/n." Sam said. Dean looked at him with a look of confusion as a piece of brownie hung from his mouth.

I chuckled and said, "It's no problem. I was making them when you called and I remembered Dean said something about LOVING brownies so I thought why the hell not?" I shrugged.

"Oh my god. These are the best things ever!" Dean said. "I could kiss you."

I chuckled awkwardly as I said, "Please don't."

"Your loss." He said with a shrug as he shoved another brownie in his mouth.

I chuckled awkwardly. After a moment of silence and Sam watching his brother stuff his face in disgust and me watching in amusement I decided to speak.

"So...why am I here exactly?" I asked peeling my eyes away from the interesting scene.

"Oh right that." Sam started as he looked at me. "We need your help."

Another chapter yay! I finished this chapter last night and decided to post it in the morning. I was also making/eating chicken nuggets while writing the middle part of the chapter and that helped with my writers block a bit so I could get this done 👍. In conclusion food helps with writers block at least for me. I hope you liked this chapter and the story so far. I have something planned for future chapters so yay!

Like always have an awesome day and stay safe my little nuggets 😝🥰

Word count: 939

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