Chapter 14: The shift

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(Without the backpack)

Y/n's POV (a small town in Oklahoma)

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Y/n's POV (a small town in Oklahoma)

Shit. Shit. Shit!

It was about two weeks later, and me and the boys had followed a trail of dead body's, like usual, to a small town in Oklahoma, I don't remember the name of it, and at the moment things were not going as planned.

So, we had originally thought it was some kind of werewolf or something like that that was doing all the killings, BUT turns out it was some kind of werewolf vampire hybrid, or as Dean liked to call it a werepire, don't ask me I don't know.

Anyway, at the moment I was running through the woods following where this thing took Sam and Dean. I guess it could smell I wasn't human or something like that because it took the boys and threw me across the room of the building we were in.

I ran as fast as I could, which is extremely fast, chasing them. This thing was fast, like REALLY fast. It was almost as fast as me. Ok I'm rambling now.

I could here Sam and Dean yelling, well it kinda sounded like a mix of yelling and screaming, but this fueled my anger more

NOBODY hurts my boys. NOBODY.

I than came to a conclusion, this thing was to hard to beat in my human form. I quickly dropped my bow and slung off my quiver.
I threw off my jacket followed by my flannel and my boots (which was a bit of a struggle as I was running).

I jumped shifting mid air. The sound of bones shifting, growing, and breaking filled the air. I landed on the ground in my full dragon form.

(I changed your dragon form hope you don't mind I just like this one better)

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(I changed your dragon form hope you don't mind I just like this one better)

Once my feet hit the ground I let out a earth shacking roar. My wings spread out to their full length as my tail snaked around the base of a tree.

"Let. Them. Go!" I growled out pure anger laced each of my words. I could see the fear and amazement on Sam and Dean's faces, but I paid no mind to that.

The "werepire" growled/hissed at me. I let out another roar as I pulled the tree out of the ground with my tail as if it was nothing, hurling the tree towards the creature.

It yelled out letting the boys go as it fell to the ground as the tree crushed it. I walked over to it and stepped on the tree for good measure making sure it was dead.

"Whoa." I heard Dean say from beside me. I looked over and down at the two brothers to see them staring at me in awe. I sat down my wings folding to my sides as my tail curled around my feet.

"Aren't you going to shift back?!" Sam slightly yelled trying to make sure I heard him. I flinched slightly at the loudness of his voice.

"First off: you don't need to yell I can hear you perfectly fine," I started speaking in a calm voice, "And secondly: I can't shift back because when I shifted it completely shredded my clothes" I continued as I moved my tail around the boys to where my shredded clothes were, picking up a piece of what I think use to be my shirt. "So unless you want to see me naked, please go get me some clothes." I finished as I looked back toward the boys.

"Yup, on it." Sam said as he started jogging back to Baby. I looked down at Dean to see him staring at me like a kid would at a wall of candy. Pure amazement.

"What?" I asked. He blinked a few times coming back to reality, he swallowed before saying,

"I don't know. I guess I didn't think you would be THAT big." I gave him a confused and slightly offended looked. His eyes widened when he realized what exactly he had said. "Oh-um, fuck. I-i didn't mean it like THAT. I just ment I didn't expect you yo be so big height wise. Please don't bite my head off!" He squeaked out the last sentence as he turned away with his eyes shut.

I let out a loud laugh after he finished rambling. "Dean I'm not going to bite your head off I know what you were trying to say. I was just giving you a hard time." I said a toothy grin spread across my face.

He let out a breath, "Oh thank god." He breathed out as he placed his hands on his hips. Then he realized what I said, "Wait, you did do that just to make me look stupid for you own enjoyment?" He asked slightly offended.

"Yup." I said popping the 'p', the smile still very evident on my face.

"Asshole." He said under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked giving him a looks that said "choose your next words carefully".

"Nothing!" He yelled slightly. I let out a chuckle as I watched him fumble around.

'He's kinda cute' I thought 'Wait what?' I asked myself. My thoughts where soon cut off as Sam cam back with a pair of new clothes, my boots, jacket, and the rest of my stuff.

"Turn around." I instructed the boys so I could change as Sam placed my clothes down in front of me.

They did as instructed turning around so I could shift back and change. Once I shifted I quickly put my cloths back on before saying, "Ok, we're good now."

The boys turned around slowly to make sure I was completely dressed

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The boys turned around slowly to make sure I was completely dressed.

"Ok, great lets go home now cause I got a pie back at the bunker with my name on it." Dean said as he started walking me and Sam following close behind.

I chuckled as Sam said, "Of course you do, Dean."

"No I'm serious, I wrote my name on the container the rest of the pie is in." Dean explained. I let out another loud laugh before I saw Dean glance at me out of the corner of my eye.

God I love these idiots.


Yay!! Finally another chapter!!

Ok so my phone broke so I'm having to use my old kindle to write the chapters until I get a new phone. So sorry if the writings a little shitty. Also I would like to thank Nevermorangels for the awesome idea for this chapter. Plz leave comments if you have any idea I'm always open to suggestions!

Anyway have an awesome read of your day my little nuggets!! And happy 4th of July!!!!!🔴⚪🔵💚😘

Ps: I wrote this at like 1:00 in the morning to 2:30 am. So I'm tired and the writing is not the best. Love you!!

Word count: 1147

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