Chapter 7: The hunt

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Y/n's POV (Rodgers, Arkansas)

"We need your help." Sam said. I motioned for him to continue, "Ok , so, we're hunting this creature, we don't know what it is yet but, we do know whatever it is it has a type." He fished.

I looked between the boys to see they were avoiding eye contact with me. Then I put the pieces together.

"Oh, come on!" I yelled as I looked between them, "You want to use me as bait?!"

Sam sighed, "Y/n you're the only one who fits the description." I rolled my eyes. I looked at Dean to see him still stuffing his face.

I snatched the container away from him in anger. He looked at me shocked and a little sad. "My first case in almost three years and you want to use me as bait?!" I yelled.

"Y/n look, you're the only one we know who fits the description. Y/h/c hair, Y/s/t skin, and
Y/e/c eyes." He said trying to convince me to help.

"Yeah?! Or the only one who'd answer?!" I yelled as I turned around running my hands through my hair. I closed my eyes trying to conceal my anger so I wouldn't shift.

"Y/n-" dean started but I cut him off by raising my hand for him to shut up.

I stood there thinking, 'Should I do this?' I had an internal argument with myself before finally coming to a decision.

I turned around, my hands on my hips, as I looked at the boys, "Fine. I'll do it." I started. Sam and Dean shared the same smile on their faces, "On one condition."

"Ok, what?" Dean asked.

"We do this my way." I said. The boys looked at each other then back to me.

"Ok! Let's do this then." Dean said clapping his hands together speaking for both him and his brother. Sam had a grin plastered on his face.

"Get that grin off your face before I punch it off." I said as I turned back to my bike.


I looked at myself in the mirror of the hotel bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror of the hotel bathroom

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I let out a sigh as I looked at the back as much as I could

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I let out a sigh as I looked at the back as much as I could.

"Y/n, hurry up your taking too long." I heard Dean say from outside the bathroom.

I let out another sigh as I finally got the courage to leave the bathroom.

"Is it too much? I feel like it's too much. I'm just gonna go change." I said as I turned to go back into the bathroom but I was stopped by Sam.

"No, Y/n we don't have time for you to change again. Let's go." He said as he handed me my clutch purse.

I huffed as I took the purse and made my way to the door passing Dean on the way.

"Don't worry, you look great." He said to me. I felt heat crawl up my face.

"Thanks." I said under my breath as I kept my eyes glued to the floor so he couldn't see my face.

'Am I blushing?' I asked myself. 'No, it's just hot' I told myself in denial.

Me and the boys climbed into their car. The boys in the front, me in the back. I looked out the window as I thought back to the words of my brother.

"You like him don't you?" I blinked a few times before I shook my head.

'No, I can't be falling for him. No, not again.' I tried to convince myself as we started driving.

Dean's POV

I looked at Y/n through the rearview mirror to see her sitting there contemplating something.

'She looks so beautiful.' I thought to myself. I didn't realize I was staring until Sam nudged me. I looked over at him confused to see that same damn grin on his face.

"What?" I whispered to him.

"You're staring." He whispered back in a sing-song voice.

I scoffed, "No I'm not." He looked at me with a 'really?' face. "Shut up." I said looking back at the road.

He had a shit eating grin on his face as he turned back to look at the road.

I glanced back at the rear view mirror to see her sitting there so perfectly. A smile crept on my face as I looked back at the road as I thought...

'Ok, maybe I do like her a little bit more than a friend.'

HE'S FALLING FOR HER!!! I'm so excited for this story and I'm committed. Although I kinda want to do another story. I'm debating on whether to do a Marvel story, a Teen Wolf story, or another Supernatural story. Let me know what you think.

As always have a wonderful day and stay safe my little nuggets💚🫡

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