Chapter 9: Cas and Jack

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3rd person POV (Rodgers, Arkansas)

As Y/n looked up from her shoulder she felt a wave of white hot pain crash into her body. She let out a skull spliting scream.

Dean looked over from the dead werewolf to the screaming girl. "Sam!" He yelled at his brother as he ran to Y/n, Sam close behind.

Once Dean got to her, he kneeled next to her taking her head and placing it on his lap. "Hey, hey. It's ok, you're gonna be ok." He said trying to calm her.

"Dean." She said her voice just barely above a whisper.

"Hey, hey. I'm here, it's ok I'm right here." He reassured her. A small smile grased her lips as her eyes drifted close.

"No, no come on stay awake. Come on." He said as panick filled his body along with fear. "Sam, do something!" He shouted.

"What?!" Sam shouted back just as panicked. Sam saw Y/n like the sister he never had, so when she hit the floor he, just like his brother, panicked.

"Call Cas." Dean told his brother. Sam nodded getting up as he pulled out his phone. Dean looked back down at the unconscious girl.

"It's ok, you're gonna be ok." Dean reassured both Y/n and himself.

Soon both boys were teleported to the bunker, where Cas and Jack were waiting.

"Help her." Dean demanded the two angles, well the angle and the half angle, as he set the girls body down on the closest table to him.

Once Dean set her down, Cas walked over, "What happened?" He asked genuinely concerned.

"I don't know." Dean started, "She was bit by a werewolf and then she just collapsed." He finished his voice and face filled with concern.

Cas nodded as he removed her hand from her shoulder to reveal the bite. The spot where the bite was was surrounded by beautiful Veridian and emerald green scales.

"What the hell?" Dean questioned as he stared at Y/n's shoulder.


Y/n's POV (the bunker)

My eyes fluttered open as I came to. I looked around to see I was in a room. It wasn't the hotel room, it looked like a room in a house.

I lifted myself to my elbows as I looked around confused. 'Where the hell am I?' I thought. I pulled the covers off to see I was in the same clothes as I remember being in.

I slowly climbed out of the bed as I grunted in pain. My body felt like I had just spent a day running a marathon, I was so sore.

When I finally stood up, I stumbled and leaned against the wall. I useed the wall as support as I made my way to the door.

After what felt like hours of walking down halls, I made my way into a library like room. I saw four men standing around a table in the center of the room. I recognize one of them.

"Dean?" I said, my voice came out gravely and tired but the one closest to me with his back to me, turned to me.

"Y/n." Dean said worried. My eyes started to droop closed as I fell forward.

"Hey, hey. I got you." He said as he ran over catching me before I could hit the floor, "I got you." He repeated as he let me use him for support.

I hugged on to him as I let out a relieved sigh as he placed a hand on the back of my head.

"Come on." He said as he lead me to a chair. I grunted as he helped me into the chair. I let out another sigh as I looked at him.

"Thank you." I said. I leaned my head back as I closed my eyes.

"Hey, you ok?" I heard Sam's voice say. I opened my eyes to see him leaning against a piller next to some book shelves.

I smiled weekly as I sat up with a grunt, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I assured him as Dean jumped to help me sit up. "I said I'm fine." I told Dean as I shooed him away.

He sigh as he helped me anyway. "No you're not. You're tired I can tell." He said as he locked eyes with me.

When he did that I felt butterflies in my stomach something I haven't felt in a long time.

"Whatever." I mumbled as I pealed my eyes away from him.

I looked around to see two other men standing there with Sam and Dean.

"Who are you guys?" I asked as I looked at them sceptically.

"Oh right." Dean started as he looked back at the boys. "Y/n, this is Cas, he's an angel, and Jack, the nephilim."

YAY! Another chapter!! Sorry it took so long to post, I was doing family stuff yesterday and half the day today. I was able to get this chapter done in like an hour.

Anyway have a wonderful rest of ur day! Love u my little nuggets and stay safe 💘😘

Word count: 851

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