Chapter 6 - Yan Juice

Start from the beginning

His overly gracious words only made Zhihao even more sure. She politely moved the juice back to Zhuo Zhi's side of the table. "I'm sure, really. I appreciate it, Zhuo Zhi, but you should have it. You seem to really love the drink anyway."

As if it was a tennis match, the team watched from the floor as the pair continued to nudge the drink back and forth, each soft nudge accompanied by a carefully crafted sentence or two.

"This is scary.. it's almost like seeing two Zhuo Zhis," Qiao Chen murmured into Lu Xia's ear. Lu Xia nodded in agreement.

After a couple of minutes had past, Siyang decided it was time to put an end to the free entertainment. "Zhuo Zhi just drink the Yan-Juice, it's your own juice anyway. Stop wasting practice time."

In truth, Siyang just wanted to get rid of the drink while he still could. Knowing Zhuo Zhi, Siyang didn't want to risk the chance of the man offering the juice to him instead.

And the smell was making him slightly nauseous, despite him being several feet away from it, but no one needed to know that.

Zhihao flashed a victorious grin at her opponent, who only sat back in his chair amusedly.

"Yes, duìzhǎng," Zhuo Zhi acknowledged his captain's words, giving the man a knowing glance, before gulping down the glass in one go. "Whatever you say." (captain)

Zhihao carefully watched Zhuo Zhi's face for any hint of displeasure at the taste of the juice as he drank, but couldn't find one.

Zhuo Zhi patted his legs before getting up, stretching his arms. Turning around to face Zhihao, the man cheerfully said, "Ah, what a pity, huh? Maybe next time then!" He then proceeded to put his hands into his pockets, whistling a tune as he walked back to the court.

Zhihao shuddered inwardly. Never again was she going to face that man if she didn't have to. Zhuo Zhi really is as scary as Jiale said he is, when he wants to be.


After practice finally ended (it was dragged out a bit longer by Siyang due to the Zhihao and Zhuo Zhi's interruption), Jiale was more than ready to head home and eat himself into a coma. The man had already skipped ahead of his sister ("I'll race you!"), eagerly anticipating whatever their mother had cooked for dinner.

Zhihao just rolled her eyes at her brother, taking her time leaving. She had half-opened the tennis court gate when she was stopped by Qiao Chen, who was calling out to her to wait up.

Ever since he had witnessed Zhihao face Zhuo Zhi head on in their juice battle and win, Qiao Chen had gained a new profound respect for the woman. It was nice finally having someone other than the captain who could stand up against the scary man.

"When's the next time you're going to come to practice?"

Zhuo Zhi walked up behind Qiao Chen, eavesdropping. He was mildly interested in what Zhihao's answer would be. It was fun being challenged today, and he too wondered when Zhihao would visit next.

"Uh, I'm not really sure yet. It still feels strange that I can freely come here now without any pressure, so I guess we'll just have to see." Qiao Chen seemed to accept this answer.

"Will you be coming to practice more often then?" Zhuo Zhi asked blandly, casually dropping into the conversation from behind Qiao Chen.

Seeing how Zhihao slightly blanched at the sight of him, it seemed that Zhuo Zhi was the only one who enjoyed their interaction today. How unfortunate. Zhuo Zhi hummed, patiently waiting for an answer.

"Well, I guess I can come to visit more often, when I'm not busy, since there's no reason not to anymore. But I think it would still be for best if the team didn't mention me being a Tang around anyone who doesn't yet know. Jiale and I would appreciate it if you guys would be careful about that, so we don't raise any suspicion." Zhihao gave a sheepish smile.

"We can do that, I'll text the team group chat right now actually to let them know," Qiao Chen exclaimed, whipping out his phone, while Zhuo Zhi nodded.

"Well, I'm going to go now, I'll see you guys later," Zhuo Zhi said with a faint smile, before walking past the two and heading out.

"Welp, that's my cue to leave too, I'm sure Jiale is waiting for me. I'll see you later too, Qiao Chen."

Zhihao quickly made her exit as well, running to catch up to her brother. She was starting to get hungry too.

Seeing Zhuo Zhi on the street as well, Zhihao called out, "Have a good night, Zhuo Zhi!" As she passed him on the way she waved at him, prompting him to return one to her as well.

"Good night, indeed."


A/N: I've had the Yan-Juice scene plague my head for a few days now lmao so finally I get to write it down, yippee


- Apple <3

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