"I worry about that too. I wondered why we haven't freaked out on each other, but everyone is different. Mickey and Ashford haven't done it. Declan, how could you let something as small as that come between us. How could you?" I was so saddened by this. I thought we knew each other better than this. He makes me so vulnerable. That's why I know deep down that he's my mate. No one else makes me feel this way.

"He was just so strong in the beginning. He used all my shit against me." He picked me up then teleported us back to my bedroom. He kissed me long and hard.


"Shh, shh. It's time. Give yourself to me."

"Then what, Declan. You go back out there and hurt me."

"I'm done, Kay, I swear to the goddess, I'm done. Forgive me, for all of it."

He kissed me again. He laid me back on the bed. He climbed between my legs. He slid my robe to the side. He cupped my breast. He kneaded them until I was squirming. He continued to kiss me. "Makay," he moaned. I grabbed his clothes. I ripped them. I was becoming hot. He sucked my breast into his mouth and pulled hard. He tugged over and over again. I was incoherent by the time he shoved into me. Suddenly, we started growling and nipping at each other. We became animalistic. I felt my fangs drop, I growled, feeling a need to attack him. Then nothing.


Mickey Pov

Since the first moment my warlock showed itself, I was afraid. This was a different fear. This was the fear that I've been scared of my whole life since I found out about him. That I would like it. That I wouldn't resist it. That I would be in cahoots with it. Then my teaching came into play. Not my father's teachings, lord knows the man coasted being a father. Alway does the bare minimum, but his bare minimum makes one helluva impact.

No, I was remembering my mother's teachings. Sadly. I didn't become ashamed. They were just that, a remembrance. Then it hit me that if I took back control, my decisions would still be from a cruel standpoint because of him, and I just couldn't subject my family to that. Ashford figured it out. I knew she would. She took longer than I thought she would. She must have been distracted.

Now, I'm not sure what to do. I've given the warlock free reign. And yes, I have blood on my hands. At first, I truly couldn't control him. He was very strong, very powerful and angry for no reason. I don't remember what all he did. I'm sure he did his worst. Most of the citizens of the Outlands have hurt and killed themselves though. They are a bunch of idiots who are in constant need of guidance. To use a crisis like this to get rich with photos is ridiculous or start killing people that you didn't like because you thought they were about to die anyway.

These people are a nightmare. Sometimes I believe that they need subjugation. If it wasn't for me, they would still be slaves for the rich. I can't believe I ever protected them. Then I realized that was some of the warlock talking. And this is what I'm afraid of. That he would be such a deep seeded part of me that I don't know where I end, and he began. How can I be unsympathetic to my mom, or my sisters and brother. To say they deserved whatever they got. I just can't do it. Better they just hate me now.

But I must admit. I didn't factor in the mate gene. When or if it kicks in, what will happen. Will I subject Ashford and Mila to this?

Will I have no choice other than to take them? Be cruel to them. Hurt them over and over, no matter how hard I try not to. And I will. My thoughts are nothing but death and destruction.

But to be fair. I've always been something of a tyrant. Especially to Ashford. Whenever she pissed me off or her story didn't add up in my mind, I tortured the answers out of her. Especially when she wanted to volunteer, and I didn't know where she was or who she was with half the time. One time I felt that she tried to leave me. She went to Uncle Shine to get away from me. I did not handle that well at all.

I decided to try a different approach. I decided I needed some pussy. So I went in search of the whore house. When I got there, I was ready to fuck all my troubles away, but the warlock wouldn't have it. He balked. Since he's more animal than me and he's listening to his baser instincts. He only wants to have sex with his mates. And I can agree that ever since I found out that Ashford was my mate, I haven't wanted anyone else. It seems like the need for others just went away.

Now what do I do? I can't go back to Ashford and ask for some pussy. She'll try to kill me. But I'm very tempted to risk it. I'm stronger than her. All I have to do is hold her down and.... Then I realized that once again, his thought has blended with mine.

This is why I can't go back. I will ruin us. But what choice do I have? I decided to start making my way back to my mates.

We aren't supposed to teleport inside the kingdom, but we are linked mentally so the barrier won't harm me. I looked around Ashford's room. It was empty. Where is she? I started to get angry. I left the room. I looked around the halls. The whole palace looked deserted. What the devil....

I stepped outside into the courtyard and couldn't believe my eyes. The kingdom is in shambles. Buildings were on fire, and some have burned down to rubble. In the center of the courtyard was my father and mother's throne. Sitting on those thrones were Mila and some other male I've never seen before.

When they saw me, they gasp. "How did you get in here?" I tilt my head in confusion. Don't they know the royal family can teleport anywhere in Aelasar. I looked all around. Some elves had shock collars on their necks.

"What is this?"

"We've taken over. Didn't Ashford tell you. The humans are the kings and queens now."

I raised a brow. It's funny now that I sniff her. She smells nothing like I thought she did at first. How could I have gotten that mixed up? Strange. "You're a vampire?"

"I kidnapped one. Made him turn us. Those that didn't want to turn got a protection suit that your other mate made."

My brow wrinkle in confusion. What other mate. Maybe I shouldn't have left Ashford. I felt my warlock itching to come out. Especially when it dawned on me what happened.

"Where is everyone?"

"Locked away of course. Until they learn to cooperate. And if you try anything they will pay the price." I'm thinking this is how they got everyone to roll over. But I'm not hindered by all that morality shit right now.

I waved my hand at all the elves with shockers on their neck. They fell off instantly. "Run," I growled.

I went sailing backwards when I was hit with some kind of blue electrical ball. When I got up I was faced with a human in some kind of iron suit. He ran up to me and punched me. I was slammed into a building.

I got up and laughed. I laughed so hard at their pathetic attempt at force. I looked at Mila. She's looking a little fearful and she should be. The human in the suit hit me with another energy ball. I laughed harder. "I'm not a regular elf. That shit won't work on me."

I turned to Mila. "Never bring iron to an electricity fight." I struck the iron suit with lightning. He screamed as the suit heated up and turned red hot. I didn't care about his screaming. I conjured up a large fire ball and threw it at the suit. As the iron melted around the human, his screams of agony pierced the courtyard.

I turned back to Mila, but she and the man were already running away. I threw a fireball at him. He incinerated. She stopped. She fell to her knees by the pile of ash. "Noooo, you monster! What have you done!"

"You're the one to talk." I levitated her in the air. I saw two more humans in iron suits. I levitated them as well. "You have one day to leave Aelasar. If I come back here and you're still here, I'm bringing the fires of hell with me. And if you've harmed anyone here, you will pay dearly for it."

I let them drop from hundreds of feet in the air then I disappeared. I closed my eyes and scry for Ashford and Makay. I found them at Shine's.

I headed that way. I'm a little hopeful. This was my warlock's first encounter with an adversary that needed a diplomatic approach. I think I did good. He wanted to come out, but I controlled him. I can do this. 

The Outlands (Sequel to Elven King Mistress)Where stories live. Discover now