A Fresh Start

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EPILOGUE (9 Years Later):

"Here you go." Taehyung returns with a bag of chips and water. He opens the bottle before handing it over. "Everything ok?" He questions when he notices me massaging my side.

"Here!" I grab his hand and place it over the spot. "Baby has the hiccups." It's quite an odd feeling having something akin to a heartbeat in your belly. It tickles a little and feels like bubbles popping against your skin. I want to savor the feeling for it will be gone soon. At thirty-eight weeks the baby is almost here.

His face brightens when he feels it. "I'm amazed every time. Soon this little one will be here and I can't wait to meet him or her!" Keeping the gender a surprise was one decision I often fluctuated on but I am glad we decided to keep it a secret.

Despite Tae's objections, I start cleaning up after finishing lunch. I just picked up the empty cans when there's a trickle of warm fluid down my legs.

Oh boy, did my water just break?

"Uh, Tae." I calmly state fully expecting him to freak out. "We need to go to the hospital. My water just broke." In 3,2,1... I silently countdown in my head.

"What's that? I didn't hear what you..." He returns from the kitchen with his brows furrowed. His eyes pop open when he sees the small puddle by my feet. He panics immediately, nervously running his hands through his hair. "Oh my god! Is that what I think it is? Shit, I'm not ready for this..."

"Breathe, Tae. Breathe. You have to stay calm, remember?" I place both hands on his cheeks and force him to look at me. "Inhale. Exhale. Inhale....babe, look at me. I can't do this without you."

"I should be telling you that! Okay, I'm okay I think. Breathe," He stops talking and takes large gulps of air. I want to laugh at his state but I decide it's not the best idea.

We make it to the hospital in good time. Contractions were getting stronger but they were still manageable. While he filled out paperwork, I was escorted to a private room. A few hours later it was time. Tae paced next to the bed, remaining quiet but looking very nervous while we wait for my doctor.

"Y/N are you ready to meet your baby?" My doctor says when she enters the birthing room. Scanning my chart, she nods her head. "Wow, you're definitely ready to pop."

"Not quite doct-..." My reply was cut short by another contraction.

"And why is that?" She's catches my gaze while getting ready.

"The husband isn't here yet." A nurse replies for me when I couldn't respond.

My doctor whips around to look at Tae and realizes he's not who she thought he was. She saw his back when she came in so she made an incorrect assumption. "Oh, you're not Mr. Jeon! I hope he arrives soon because this baby isn't going to wait for anyone."

As if on cue, the doors burst open revealing a panicked Jungkook who was desperately trying to catch his breath after sprinting down the corridors. "I'm here! I'm here! Tell me I'm not late?" His eyes soften the moment our eyes meet. "Baby, are you okay?" He maintains eye contact while a nurse hovers over him to get him prepared for delivery.

"Mr. Jeon, glad you could make it!"

"Kookie, thank god you're here!" Taehyung breathes a sigh of relief. "Next time you decide to go fishing with Jin hyung get someone else to stay with your pregnant wife. I've never been so stressed in my entire life!" The whole room laughs as Jungkook looks at his best friend warmly.

"Thank you, hyung. I'm grateful you're here." They exchange hugs before Tae makes his exit.

Once he was ready, Jungkook takes his place by my side and holds my hand. His eyes are moist with tears as he looks into mine lovingly. Cupping my face with one hand, he bends down for a kiss and whispers soothing words in my ear.

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