Secret Kisses

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no editing cause It's 3:40 am, my fuckin fingers hurt like hell and I'm tired as shit.

dnf fluff

The sound of a new episode on Netflix played while George ventured off into the kitchen for a glass of ice cold water. It was so hot, god why did he have to move to Florida.

Speaking of why he should've moved to Florida, Dream -part of the reason why he moved here- came out from the hallway, rubbing his eyes tiredly. When George looked up from the freezer where he was getting ice for his water, he realized Dream only had basketball shorts on—and probably boxers, but how was George supposed to know?

"Hi." George says, closing the freezer drawer.

"What're you doing up, I thought you went to sleep like, hours ago?" Dream asks while holding onto the counter, feeling lightheaded from just waking up.

"I've been up?" George says pouring a water bottle into his ice filled glass.

"You say that like I would've known, I was asleep George." Dream chuckles.

"You—" he takes a sip of his water, "–are an idiot."

He walks past Dream and into the living room again to watch his show, heartstopper, season 1, episode 3 (I think we all know what that means, yeah?).

"What show is this?" Dream asks, following George to the living room.

"Heartstopper. Saw it on tiktok." George responds, sitting down on his spot on the couch with Dream standing behind where George sat.

They both begin to watch the show together, Dream eventually sitting down on the couch with George's legs in his lap because he said ' I'm tired but I'm not comfy, scoot over. ' even if there was a whole other part of the couch. He wanted to get comfy while being able to feel Dream.

Dream, being his little fidgety self—adhd at it's finest— had his hand on George's calf, just rubbing his fingers along it and drawing shapes with his finger tips. George loved it, Dream's hand almost wrapped around his entire calf.

The size difference between the two was driving George insane, in a good way of course. Dream's hands were huge compared to George's. There was a time that he was talking to Dream about his hands being huge and they compared hand sizes, it drove him mad.

"Dream, no, it's not fair! You have an advantage, your fingers are long so you can reach the keys faster than I can!" George whined.

"What?" Dream wheezes,"That makes no sense, your fingers can't be that small, George."

"No, I'm serious Dream." George pouts.

"Here, lemme see." Dream says, holding up his hand for George to put his hand to Dream's.

"What?" George asks cluelessly.

"Put your hand up to mine and let me see how much bigger my hand is."

"It's only gonna prove my point even more." George says, putting his hand to Dream's.

Dreams fingers looked like they were never going to end compared to Georges bony little fingers.
The warmth seemed to buzz in George's fingers, it felt like time stopped when they touched.

"George, hello?" Dream asks while tapping on George's calves.

"Sorry, what?" George questions, snapping back into his thoughts.

"You tired?" Dream asks as George comes back to reality, trying to find 1 thing be could feel, 1 he could hear, 1 he could taste, 1 he could see and 1 he could smell.

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