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This chapter has self harm mentions in it (mentions of scars from sh) and also first part is monster high, 'boo york, boo york' reference with Cleo and Duce 😋

dnf angst

"I'm sorry, it's over." Dream says, backing away fron George.

"This can't be over." George cries out, salty tears streaming down his face.

"Sorry, it's over." Dream repeats, turning around and walking away to his car.

"This can't be over, please!" George cries out once again, crumbling to the sidewalk.

Dream's car starts up and he backs out of his parking spot and drives off twords his own home. High school heartbreak. Two people got together, thought they'd be together forever, it doesn't work out.

That's how it goes.

But George didn't want it to go that way. He wanted to be with Dream. George wanted to spend the rest of his life with Dream.

Dream didn't want that.

George cried for weeks on end, bawling his eyes out to the point where he had a headache and the hiccups. Any time he would walk past Dream in the halls, Dream looked like he felt bad. Seeing George in such a state.

George was emotionally wrecked. He had bags under his eyes from crying all night and not getting sleep, he only wore long sleeves because it got so bad to the point where he started hurting himself.

He was gone.

Bad grades, scars all over his arms, sleeping all day, crying all night, sleeping in class, eating less and less. George wasn't ok. He needed Dream.

Dream was helping him feel ok and fight the urges of self harm. Dream was there and making sure he was eating. Dream was the one who would call him all night and sleep on call with him. Dream was the one who kept George from tears. George needed Dream so bad.

But Dream wasn't there.

The night they broke up replayed multiple times in Georges head for 2 months. He didn't want it to be over. Dream had other plans and George wasn't apart of them. Dream was busy planning his own future, not Georges. He didn't want to be in George's future. He found someone better.

4 months passed and George was skinner than ever. It was obvious that he wasn't ok and that it was bad when he was at P.E. and he passed out. He passed out due to not eating much. He didn't want to eat, he wanted to be as perfect as the new person Dream liked. Apparently, this dude, Sapnap, was better than George.

George was taken to the front office at the school, and into the nurses office. They checked his heartbeat which was normal, they made sure he could breathe, and they asked him questions like how much water has he had today, had he eaten any food, was he feeling hot at all.

He lied on the food and hot questions. He said that he had breakfast before he left and that it was cold this morning so thats why he was wearing a jacket.


Where was his jacket?


He didn't have a jacket on. His scars were out. Plain as day and he was just now noticing. Once the nurse had taken notice of him realizing he hadn't had his zip up jacket on, she began to speak up.

"We had to take it off, we didn't know if you had passed out because you were hot or for another reason."

"Oh." That was all George could say, 'oh' he replayed that in his head quite a few times before she spoke again.

"Do you mind me asking about those scars?" She asks politely.

"No but yes in a way?" George says, confused about how to answer.

"Well do you want to talk about it?" The nurse asks, her voice soft.

"Not really, where's my jacket?" George mumbles, looking around the room for his dark blue zip up.

"Honey, we're going to have to contact your parents about your arms." The nurse says, trying to get George to remain calm.

He did the exact opposite.

"What! You can't do that, it's not your right! They're my arms, now wheres my fucking sweater you piece of shit!?" He lashes out.

"George, sit down, please." The nurse is now the one who is calm, trying to calm George down.

"No, fuck you and that dumbass sweater, I'm leaving, you guys are all assholes!" He yells out the last part as he walks out of the office, flipping everyone off.

As he's storming out of the office, he's met with Dream. His ex. George froze in place and just stared teary eyed at Dream, memories flooding through his head.

"George, oh god, are you ok?" He questions, grabbing onto Georges elbows.

George jerks his elbows, breaking away from Dream's grasp. He looks Dream dead in the eye and starts to go ballistic.

"You, you're a bitch and you can fucking eat shit you piece of crap!" George yells hitting his fist into Dream's chest, barley doing anything to him.

George kept hitting and yelling insults before Dream grabbed his wrists and looked at him. George was crying and insulting Dream because he wasn't feeling ok and Dream being there was making it so much more worse.

"George, stop it, stop hitting me," Dream says, tightening his loose grip on George's wrists, making George hiss out of pain.

Dream looked confused as to why George hissed and then he looked down at where his hands were. They were on George's wrists, or the cuts on his wrist.

He looked up at George with guilt and sadness. How could he do that to himself. His beautiful arms, his skin, cuts covered his right wrist. Dream looked back down and then up at George who turned his head. He felt ugly. He also felt like he was just– naked.

Without his jacket, George was nothing but a freak. He expected Dream to call him disgusting, a freak, nasty, he expected Dream to run away.

But Dream hugged him.

Dream hugged him, tight. He didn't let go until he felt George slump a little bit onto him. He pulled away slightly, not breaking their embrace.

George was fucking sleeping.

How the hell was he asleep?

Dream just bent down and picked up George, grabbing his legs and throwing him over his shoulder. George was out. Like, fucking gone. He was asleep the entire time Dream walked around with him.

Dream had walked back into the office for Georges sweater and to explain what was up with him. He decided to leave after getting Georges sweater. It took a second to get to his car because it was parked farther than usual.

Once he got to the car, he put George in the front seat and adjusted it so that George was leaning back in the seat. Dream pulled out of the parking spot and drove to George's house, he wanted this to happen again. He wanted them to happen again.

Dream was nothing without George.

Dream felt like shit without George and he needed George back. He would start by apologizing and explaining why they had to break up. The next thing he'd do would be helping him get better, helping him with his self harm.

He wanted George back.


The end

1228 words


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