broken glass

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Short chapter cause I need to get something out and It's ez!

TW: manipulation, suicide

dnf angst

"Why the hell are you being so lazy, get up and go do something." Dream complains.


"I'm tired, Dream. Why can't I lay down for five minutes?" George questions softly, scared of Dream.

"You're not tired, you're lazy. You need to do some work. I'm always editing for you and cleaning up your messes, do it yourself you lazy fuck!" Dream shouts, clearly annoyed.


George gets up to leave the room, tears forming in his eyes.

Dream grabs his wrist to stop him.

"Baby, you know I didn't mean that, why are you making me the bad guy now?" Dream questions, fake.

"What..What the fuck?" George questions, ripping his arm away from Dreams grasp.

"Fuck you Dream, y-" Dream cuts him off.

"No way you just said that, I apologized for telling the truth and you're angry with me? That's insane, you are insane!" Dream shouts, angry once again.


"I-I'm not insane, you are just rude." George says, keeping in his tears that want to fall so, so bad.

"Rude? I buy you everything, I take care of you, I pay the bills, I cook you food, and this is how you repay me? Calling me rude when you can't live without me and my care and love?" Dream yells, getting up from his seat to tower over George, intimidate him.


George backs away slightly, not knowing what dream would do. Dream pushes past George and goes into the kitchen and stays there, not coming back out to the living room until about 45  minutes after George leaves the room.

Normally, when a glass is dropped, it would break. Unless it's one of those thick mugs, then those just chip. But the more chips or cracks they get, the closer they are to breaking.

George was like a thick mug, he was cracked and chipped until he broke and then no one could use him anymore.

It was only when Dream went to go mess with him in the shower, he realized, you can't use a mug if it's broken.

Thats what George was, broken, he was gone.

I came up with this idea and idk if it's good or not cause it was a little rushed and I literally wrote this in like an hour.

Also thanks for almost 3k reads!!! That's a lot of people and I'm so grateful for you all, remember to eat and drink water, bye bye!

427 words

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