Chapter 15

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Rosie Pov~

"This is it." I say as I walked into the little library downstairs. Everyone followed me in and my dad, and Uncle Conner was scoping out the place like there was something magically going to appear out of nowhere.

"You walked into this room?" Aiden asked.

"Well technically I never crossed the threshold. I stopped right outside but then the sound dissappeared so I turned around and went to the kitchen." I explained.

"Did you sense anyone in the room?" Liam aksed.

"No. Isn't that your job." I say sarcastically.

He gave me a serious mean look and I looked down. I mindlinked a "sorry" to him and he huffed walking towards Addy and away from me.

Such a Hot head like Aiden!

"Why don't we call Rose?" My mom suggests.

I remembered Rose she had helped lock Marcus's evil men in this same pack house when they were at war with my parents. She was very strong and I saw her on and off again throughout the years but she was always with her husband Andrew.

"Sounds like a good idea. Maybe she could shed some light on may have entered. Conner call her immediately tell her it's an emergency." My dad commands Uncle Conner.

"Yes, Alpha." He says and walks out the room hurridly.

"So he lured them here. Why? This is totally opposite of the dining room. They wouldn't even be walking in this wing of the pack house." Addy says.

"Okay, but the witch had to have known that. He must have used some spell on them." Logan suggests.

"I don't know, this all seems a little fishy to me. Aren't you guys getting a serious case of Deja Vu?" Mason asks my parents.

"You mean when we were at war with Marcus?" My mom asks as she walked over to my father and wrapped her arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around mom, knowing she needed the comfort.

I was suprised she looked so calm considering her kids were missing.

But knowing my mom she was freaking out on the inside and only showing a good face to keep us kids from jumping to major conclusions.

"Yea, Marcus harassed your pack and he took your kids. Isn't this similar?" Marcus pointed out.

"Mason your delusional. I buried Marcus in the ground. He is dead." My dad says.

Mason stayed quite, obviously my dad just squashed his hypothesis.

"Are you okay?" I asked Logan. He has been quite this whole time.

"......I can't feel him...Lucas...I usually sense him and we have a connection being twins and its...nothing..." He manages to say with despair written on his face.

My heart broke even more at the sight set before my eyes. I pulled him into the best bone crushing hug I could manage at the moment.

Stupid witch!!! They totally messed up everything. Why can't they just leave us alone!

But then again I did hear the noise. I should have knew something was up, but I was too focused on my stomach to care. Now look where that has gotten us.

With those thoughts circulating my head I started feeling guilty and bad. Soon enough tears threatened to fall down my cheeks. I tried to hold them in but to no avail those hot tears came streaming down.

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