Chapter 8

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The Next picture is of Xavier who is played by Matt Bomer.

Addison Pov~

Melanie was driving while I was telling her about my story at school.

"Oh Addy, you got yourself suck in that one." She says snickering.

"I know" I whine.

She pulls into a modern 2 story house and t was quite simple and beautiful.

She parked in the driveway and we both got out the car. I walked up to the front steps. They were brick and new.

She stuck the key into the door and opened it. She turned back to me and smiled "Welcome to mi casa!" She exclaims and gestures me in.

We walked in and the smell of food wafted around the house. It smelled amazing! I looked around and it was very homey.

"Mom we are home!" Melanie screams and her mom says "In the kitchen."

"Come on, your going to love her." She says grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hall and we turned the corner.

I saw a woman in her late 30's she was tall fair skinned, and beautiful. She had red orange hair and she was dressed in a dress and heels.

"You must be Addison. My daughter has not stop talking about you." She greets with a smile, making me blush slightly.

"Yes that's me." I say smiling back.

"Oh my name is Sage. I am sorry about my outfit I just came from work and decided to start dinner." She says and walks over to turn her pot that was boiling.

"I don't mind. Where do you work?" I asked.

"I am a lawyer. Surprise Surprise." She giggles.

"That's really cool. So you must work in town right?" I asked taking a seat next to Melanie and stealing her grape.

"Yes I do. I must say your parents have set up a marvelous system here in this pack. That was one of the reasons we just had to move here. Our other pack was not so lenient in jobs and other things." Sage replies.

"Yea we live among the humans too. They of course don't know of us being werewolves and humans only consist of 19% on our land. " I informed.

"There are humans that live on the land?" Melanie asked flabbergasted.

"Uh huh. Mom and Dad found a wandering human come all the way to our pack house once. That's when they realized humans had invaded our land. But instead kill them or kick them out, they joined forces and helped renovate the town and all the buildings there. So they are not allowed to pass a certain point and we get to roam freely." I said.

"Wow. That is very nice of the Alphas." Sage said.

I nodded my head and we continued our conversation until dinner was ready.

Ariel Pov~

"That is so not cool how come you let Addy leave and we are not to go anywhere?" I whined to my parents in the office.

"Because I had ample reasons to let her go. And we don't have to explain ourselves to you. Plus she has her wolf already so she can more likely protect herself." My dad replied and gave me a stern look saying "Don't test me" in his eyes. I sighed and slumped back in chair, knowing I would lose in the end anyway.

"Now, how was school?" He smiled.

"Normal. Except today everyone kept talking about mom. They really liked her. She was a total badass." I said smirking at my mom who was sitting at her desk.

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